Have you ever been in situation where someone you know must be right? Do you find yourself sharing knowledge, wisdom, and even insight with a person who says they care about you, but they seem disinterested in anything you say; particularly knowledge you know that they don't or achievements? Perhaps you are in active conversation with a friend and instead of acknowledging what you said they change the subject or if they should respond to your sentiments, it is always to seal their authority and claim that you are wrong by citing sources that come from nowhere. Such a person is toxic and they do not care about you. They do not care about you because they do not care about your thoughts or truths in your soul. These kind of people always want to be right and they will go to relentless lengths to ensure they are. The definition for this kind of person is a controller and the person who condones their behavior and stay around them is a codependant.
Jesus Christ encounter both kinds of people. The Pharisees and Sadducees were controllers; they wanted to be right and maintain their control of people via laws and religious codes. The Romans were controllers in another way, they executed their authority with steel and strong arms; those who thought they should be free of Roman rule were routed. The codependants were the people who followed Jesus because of what he could give. This crowd left when Jesus said, "The time for miracles is over, now you must eat my body and drink my blood." (John 6:54).
Unfortunately we tend to fall into one of these two groups. We become controllers often because we have been controlled much of our lives. We become codependants because we want something from controllers or because we are afraid of losing someone if we walk in Spirit and Truth. Must people do not seem to appreciate Truth these days. If Jesus Christ was to walk into most churches these days, they would tell him to leave. In fact, many churches and Christians for that matter do reject Jesus. They do this when a brother or sister in the Lord comes to correct. The prophet coming to cleanse their fellow brothers and sisters is carrying a Word of the Lord (that can be supported by The Bible). .
Controllers and condependants disrupt the oil collecting process in our lives. Controllers keep our lamps drenched under their own oil of self importance and condependangts keep taking our oil for themselves, but never giving any back. The time has come for followers of Christ to make freinds with the Five Virgins who are interdependant, they wait on Christ, but also are busy keeping their lamps of faith, good works, and etc full. Stay away from people who deprive you of oil or burn it up with their selfish nature. Find those who want to help you keep your oil burning and stop stealing the oil (time and energy) that you should be using in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Use your oil wisely! For the kingdom of darkness and the world will seek to take your time and energy for their purposes. Protect your oil in the Lord and do not let it be stolen by the controllers, codependants, and conquerors who serve the devil.
Have you ever been in situation where someone you know must be right? Do you find yourself sharing knowledge, wisdom, and even insight with a person who says they care about you, but they seem disinterested in anything you say; particularly knowledge you know that they don't or achievements? Perhaps you are in active conversation with a friend and instead of acknowledging what you said they change the subject or if they should respond to your sentiments, it is always to seal their authority and claim that you are wrong by citing sources that come from nowhere. Such a person is toxic and they do not care about you. They do not care about you because they do not care about your thoughts or truths in your soul. These kind of people always want to be right and they will go to relentless lengths to ensure they are. The definition for this kind of person is a controller and the person who condones their behavior and stay around them is a codependant.
Jesus Christ encounter both kinds of people. The Pharisees and Sadducees were controllers; they wanted to be right and maintain their control of people via laws and religious codes. The Romans were controllers in another way, they executed their authority with steel and strong arms; those who thought they should be free of Roman rule were routed. The codependants were the people who followed Jesus because of what he could give. This crowd left when Jesus said, "The time for miracles is over, now you must eat my body and drink my blood." (John 6:54).
Unfortunately we tend to fall into one of these two groups. We become controllers often because we have been controlled much of our lives. We become codependants because we want something from controllers or because we are afraid of losing someone if we walk in Spirit and Truth. Must people do not seem to appreciate Truth these days. If Jesus Christ was to walk into most churches these days, they would tell him to leave. In fact, many churches and Christians for that matter do reject Jesus. They do this when a brother or sister in the Lord comes to correct. The prophet coming to cleanse their fellow brothers and sisters is carrying a Word of the Lord (that can be supported by The Bible). .
As followers of Christ we are called to be interdependant. Interdependant means being independant and dependant on God and others. It in balenced connection that causes growth and Truth to thrive. The Lord wants us to work with Him in interdependancy, not codependancy or control. Many brothers and sisters in Christ expect the Almighty to do everything for them. They behave like children looking to Santa or Genie God who will provide their every need without them having to do anything. This Welfare Word as I call it, is not in the Bible. St. Paul said, "if you do not work, you shall not eat." (1 Thessalonians 3:10). In the spiritual matters this also applies, for our Savior said, "There were ten virgins, five of which had oil in their lamps, and five that did not. When the Bridegroom (Jesus) came, the five with oil went to meet him with their lit lamps in the dark, while the other five had no oil and thus could not go out to the bridegroom. They had to go shop for oil in town and by the time they got back, the door to the wedding feast was closed and the Bridgeroom said, "I never knew you, depart to the Outher darkness." (Matthew 25:1-13). This passage is usually used to illustrate that there will be devote followers known as disciples and those who are distant desirers. While I believe and agree with most of the interpretations, I would say that the Parable of the Ten Virgins is about those who are busy seeking and working with Jesus, and those who converted to becoming a follower, but have since let their light; fire burn out. We are Christians are called to keep our lamps lit by connecting with Christ and The Holy Spirit.
Controllers and condependants disrupt the oil collecting process in our lives. Controllers keep our lamps drenched under their own oil of self importance and condependangts keep taking our oil for themselves, but never giving any back. The time has come for followers of Christ to make freinds with the Five Virgins who are interdependant, they wait on Christ, but also are busy keeping their lamps of faith, good works, and etc full. Stay away from people who deprive you of oil or burn it up with their selfish nature. Find those who want to help you keep your oil burning and stop stealing the oil (time and energy) that you should be using in the service of the Lord Jesus Christ. Use your oil wisely! For the kingdom of darkness and the world will seek to take your time and energy for their purposes. Protect your oil in the Lord and do not let it be stolen by the controllers, codependants, and conquerors who serve the devil.
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