Jesus Christ is drawing all men and women to Himself (John 12:32). Now is the time of judgment. The Lord is letting loose the due punishment on the world and the prince of this world. At the same time of this storm of God's Wrath, Jesus is calling to people to follow Him. Here in midst of the calamity people have the chance to choose Christ because He first chose them.
The Lord is calling to everyone. The verse, "many are called, but the few are chosen,"(Matthew 22:14) has been interpreted to mean that there are two classes of Christian believers. The truth is that everyone is called, but few choose or have chosen to answer that Call and follow Christ with every ounce of their being (NIV translation: "Many are invited, but few are (have) chosen"). The Narrow Gate is a great illustration of this. Jesus said, "The gate is a narrow that leads to heaven, but the gate leading to death is wide and has ample room for multitudes. The narrow path is found by few." (Matthew 7:13).
Jesus is the narrow gate and time is running out to enter it. People are convinced that there is plenty of time to waste before they seek out the Lord, but this is a deception, for Jesus said, "It shall be as the days of Noah, people will marry, have feasts, and have children, then the Flood came. It shall be like the days of Lot, everyone was marrying, and doing as they pleased and then fire fell down from heaven to consume Sodom. So it will be when the Son of Man (Jesus speaking of himself) shall return." (Luke 17:25-30). This denotes two things, that Jesus shall return suddenly and that wrath will follow, for the two examples he gives are of the Flood and Fire and Revelation clearly details that judgment is coming.
If you do not know Jesus Christ, now is the time. Pray this prayer while you still can,
"Jesus Christ, I repent and ask for forgiveness of all my sins. I believe you died for all my sins on the cross and can forgive my sins. You are Lord and Savior, please come into my heart, soul, and life. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen."
If you prayed that prayer than you are born again, saved, a Christian, and a child of God. Congratulations and welcome to the family! The next steps are contained in this other blog post I wrote:
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