In Eden man sinned. In the Garden Adam and Eve, the first man and woman disobeyed Yahweh by partaking of fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. This act brought sin, separation between God and every person. The architect of this fall was the Fallen One, Satan. Often he is depicted as a snake talking to Eve, but the ancient Hebrew word was Seraphim which is an angel and translates serpent in English. It says Enoch rebuked the serpents and it is clear they were not the slithering amphibians.
When Adam and Eve made their exodus out of Eden and into the Earth, the world as we know if now was started. From then on man would try to interpret what is good or evil, and this is playing God. The truth is only The Almighty can truly know what is good or evil and thus the choice to eat on the forbidden fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was to usurp God and try to take a position only the Lord was to have (something Satan tried to do: Isaiah ). Even Satan said, "God knows if eat of this fruit your eyes will become opened, and you will become like God, knowing good and evil." (Genesis 3:5). Satan was right, but he left out the context. Satan speaks in half truths, there is enough truth to be enticing but enough lie to make it untrue. Any amount of a lie makes something devoid of truth. The point is Satan deceived, Adam and Eve did get an attribute of God; the ability fo discern good and evil, but they got sin in addition which makes it impossible to discern accurately good and evil. So the gain is lost because of disobedience to the Lord.
Even in this moment Our Father in Heaven had a plan to redeem the situation and condition of sin. In the Garden God promised Adam that a son would come from his line and He would crush the head of the serpent. (Genesis 3:15). The Father is speaking of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to undo what was done in Eden and restore all things. The brilliant symbolism is that Jesus did on a cross; a tree. This was important for those who pay attention, sin came into the world via a tree (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil) and sin is defeated and destroyed by Jesus' dying on a tree (the cross). This is what Jews of 30 A.D. missed. They had forgotten about the Savior prophesied in Genesis would trample the serpent Satan and instead were looking for a political messiah to liberate them from Rome.
Jesus crucified is the core of our faith and the pivotal momentn when sin and Satan's power was nailed to the tree and defeated. Now through believing in Jesus we are set free from the curse of the old tree of the Forbidden Fruit. Christ's blood washes away the juice of the fruit that brought sin and death into man and woman. Now the power of death that came over all mankind is broken and eternal life is for those who believe and follow Jesus Christ! (John 3:16).
Jesus is called the "Second Adam" because he is the promised one the Father spoke of to Adam and secondly but more importantly He is the Adam who reverses what the first Adam did. This is important to understand because it recognizes what Jesus Christ was doing on the cross. The difference however is that Adam was a son of God, created by the Father. Jesus is the Son of God, not created but God himself! For only God could die for all time to cover man's sin (wickedness). If a mere man had died for people's sins it would t have worked for two reasons; firstly no man is without sin (Ecclesiastes 7:20, Romans 3:10, and 1 John 1:8) and thus a sinner can not forgive and eradicate sin in others. Secondly a man who is not God is not eternal and omnipresent, so even if a man was sinless he could only save the people in his lifetime not the ages before or to come. Only Jesus Christ who is both God and man could cover our sins from our first breath to our last and cover the sins of people from the beginning of this world to its end.
Here is the opportunity for you to come out from under the curse that began in Eden. This is a chance to be set free from slavery to sin and serve the Savior Jesus Christ who will save you from sin, death, and the second death (hell fire). All you have to do is pray this prayer:
Lord Jesus, forgive me my sins and come into my life. Fill my heart and spirit with your Spirit. I believe in you and ask to be saved by your blood and to live in your love. Amen.
Having prayed that prayed you have been born again and saved! You are now part of the Family of Christ! You are a Christian. The curse of Eden is broken and the complete salvation of Emmanuel (Jesus Christ's other name) is upon you!Hallelujah and praise the Lord who has reversed the curse and set us free from sin! Amen.
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