I am indignant! I am full of righteous indignation! The Church has created a caricature of Christ! This distant god who died sits upon a throne and only the saintly perfecti may approach his presence on penitent knees. That is not Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ died for our sins so that he could be close to us as we are closely connected to those we care about most. The Most High God destroyed the barrier between us and Him when He died upon the cross! But religious or should I say Pharisaical priests have endeavors to recreate the Temple of the Old Covenant and thus make Christ as elusive and hard to reach as The Lord was in the days before The Incarnation (God came in the flesh).
Theses Pharisees of today wear the same priestly robes with the addition of a crucifix. They are really sons of Satan who try to separate Christians from close connection to Christ Jesus. I do acknwedge that within the cloister of these religious folk are devout followers of Christ who contradict their superiors. But the system of separation that has been recreated to make believers believe they cannot approach God and must petition to saints and angels instead is antichrist! I am convinced that these religious systems and traditions in the church are trying stop Christians from knowing, connecting, being intimate, and talking to Jesus Christ! These systems of control and that stifle connecting with Christ in the Church are either the forrunners or first wave of what Satan will use via The Beast Regime to keep people from knowing The Lord and thus dooming them to damnation!
You can talk to God personally! Just like you do with family, friends or yourself! The Father, Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit want to relate to mankind! That was the point of Christ's death on the cross! He got rid of the seperarion know as sin (which means death which means separation; for when we sin we cause seperarion with God and people) and gave us eternal life which includes eternal communication and connection/closeness with Him!
The Lord God wants to know us personally and so closely that we never want to be separated for a second! But Satan, the author of separation, wants to have us think God is distant or he makes us be distant from God by being so immersed and engrossed in entertainments, philosophies, and desires that have nothing to do with Jesus. In other cases Satan will do both, he will make us feel like God is distant because we are deliberately sinning in something and we stay distant because we don't want to confront our wicked nature before God and so subsequently stay separated from The Lord.
Do not believe the lies of the devil or demons! Jesus is not a distant! He is deeply close God who wants to know you as his closest friend and even to the point of marriage! For we are bride of Christ! (Revelation 19: 7-9). In the end, at Jusgemenr Day we will be asked if we know or are in close fellowship and friendship with Christ: "Many will say to me on that day (of judgment) 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your and caste out demons in your Name?' And then I will declare to them, I never knew you!; Depart from you people who practice evil (lawlessness and iniquity)!" (Matthew 7:22-23, cross ref. Luke 13: 25-27). Satan is aware that what matters is we know and are a personal friend of Jesus! That is why our enemy is trying to convince us in churches that God is distant; he does this to damn souls! For the devil would like nothing more than to pluck you from the Lord's hand and convince you that Christ hides from his people like some distant diety of the Greeks. No, Jesus is a connecting Savior who wants us through Him to relate and have a deep-close-personal relationship with The Father.
The Veil was torn! In the Temple of Jerusalem, the Veil between the Holy of Holies (the place only God was and the High Priest entered once a year after a sacrifice) and the outer court (where people prayed) was torn in two! (Read about it in Matthew 27:51 and Mark 15:38). This curtain which was made of metal was rent supernaturally by the Lord via an earthquake when Jesus Christ died on the cross to signify that the separation between God and man was now over. That should be a moment we look at and see that our Savior does not want to be distant; but instead clergy like the religious leaders of Christ's day have erected new curtains and veils to keep the faithful from seeing God!
Instead of relating to God, we do religion. Man likes a distant God, because then man gets to be in control! If people actually try to connect to Christ, they want to change their behavior and give up their control and that would leave the clergy without control of the masses (can't have that: sarcasm). The Church is not suppose to be a club where you jump through spiritual hoops and have a secret hand shake! No, we are suppose to be "salt and light." "You are the Salt of the Earth. If you lose your saltiness (become tasteless) you cannot get it back, and are thus useless and to be trampled on! You are to the light to the world. A city on set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp (candle) and put it under a basket (or bush), but rather it is placed on a lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. Let your light so shine so before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:13, Paraphrased).
The cult of a distant God and church needs to die. It is time to have a relationship with the Creator and Christ! The moment is now that we should show people the love of the Lord and more than system of men's ideas. Should there be codes of righteous behavior? Yes. The Ten Commandments have not passed away, the show us how to honor (respect) God and Man. In fact, Jesus Christ simplified them into two, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and Mind; and the other is like it, love your neighbor as yourself. This fulfills all the Law of Moses." (Luke 10:27). We do not behave godly to make God love us or be close to Him, we behave righteously because we are so loved by the Lord and want to be like Him! So choose this day to relate to a close God in Christ Jesus! His arms are wide open to all who come unto Him! Do not believe the lie of a distant God. He never existed! Even in the Old Testament the Lord wanted to be close to His people. (Exodus 19). The Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and Holy Spirit want to be closer to you than anyone! Put down religion, and take up the relationship!
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