There are two kinds of Christians in this world: The committal and non-committal Christian. The Committed Christian takes seriously the Scriptures and makes Christ their focus in life. A Committal Christian believers earnestly and fervently in Jesus Christ and will reject the things of this world that would try to sabotage that relationship. The committed believer is often labeled a fundamentalist. By the eyes of non-committal Christians and worldly people, committed Christians are naïve, obsessed, and possibly mentally ill. An uncompromising Christian is mocked and considered crazy by the more worldly believer. The reason for this is that the non-committal Christian is offended by the very presence of a devout believer. The reason for the offense is because they cannot let go of the world and have not in them the devotion of the ones they label fundamentalists. In addition the worldly Christian thinks their uncompromising brothers and sisters are missing out on the joys of life.
The non-Committal or Worldly Christian walks a very fine line between belief and unbelief. A Worldly Christian lives a double life. They claim to be a follower of Christ, but they participate in the worldly vices and live with reckless abandon. For the non-committed Christian, it is imperative to keep your get out of hell-free card renewed at Church on at least Christmas and Easter, but the rest of the year is full of choices that are anti-Christ or not in unison with the tenets of the Bible. A worldly Christian lives in dichotomy of believing in Christ, but living like this life is the only one they will have. To put it another way, a non-committed Christian does the following: they believe in Christ, but they also believe the Nihilistic-Darwin philosophy that this life is all there is and heaven is a fantasy.
The truth is that being a non-committed Christian does not work. Inevitably one will slide into sin to the point that they either use the Savior as merely insurance or forget about Him entirely. A committed Christian in contrast is willing to forgo the pleasures and pleasantries of life if it means being closer and better connected with Christ. A devout Christian is not caught in self-denial or abstinence, but rather aware of the things that struggle to take believers away from their faith in Jesus. Being committed is 100%, it means that Jesus Christ matters more than anything. It is what Jesus said in many verses, the most poignant being: "Those who try to keep their life will lose it, but those who lose their life for my sake shall find it," and "whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and pick up their cross and follow me." (Luke 17:33, Matthew 16:24). Jesus makes it clear, this is an "all in" relationship. You cannot be partially committed or leisurely connected.
While it is true that we are to be "in the world," the rest of the verse says, "but not of the world." Our allegiance and devotion must lie in only one: Jesus Christ. Can we enjoy this life and undefiled pleasantries, of course! There is nothing wrong with going to wholesome movies, gardening, enjoying food, traveling, taking a class, reading, and all the other good pleasures of life. The problem is when we desire those over God and compromise our connection with Christ to feed our passions.
Choose to be committed Christian. Do not become content with being lukewarm and worldly. Remember, that Christ will not welcome the lukewarm Christian, he shall spew them out in the gnashing of teeth (hell). (Revelation 3:16). If as Christians we dare to live the double life of faith and folly, we risk being judged far more harshly than an unbeliever. For we would be traitors, half-hearts, and terrible examples of Christ on this earth. Do not become these, but become committed to Christ! Make the Lord your delight and then all the other good desires of your heart will follow and be undefiled by Satan and sin.
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