Throughout the Bible God is compared to many things. A lion, a lamb, and even a leviathan. He also called the Rock by the Psalmist David (Psalm 62:2) and the Cornerstone by St. John (Ephesians 2:20). The imagery of the rock is important for us to understand. A rock is a constant and it can withstand the crashing waves, the whirling winds, and the fires of woe. Nothing can destroy a truly strong stone. Christ is the rock upon which we pitch our faith and our salvation. We stand upon the mound of hewn stone as the waves crash against us and the fiery trials are hurled our way.
We fail when we lose faith in the Rock of our Salvation and leap into the unknown seas or trust in the castles of sand. When the storms and scorching fires of Satan come, we shall find yourself sunk or seared. If we feel ourselves falling from the Foundation, we should climb again to the top were lies the cross. There our we safe in the arms of Christ. Our enemy is like a tidal wave, a great tornado, and fire breathing dragon. He comes to our fortress of faith (Psalm 18:2) and tries to make us flee the safety of the Rock. Do not yield! Stand your ground and stay with Christ!
The ground quakes and sea rises. Before us lies tempest and temperatures that few can endure. But have faith! Jesus Christ faced the furnace, flogging, and filleting of the Enemy. He rose again and shall by the Power of His Resurrection revive us when we are weary. Never give up on the Cornerstone that is Christ Jesus. He is the only constant, the only one capable of seeing us through the gauntlet of this life. The devil may come like a mighty dragon and seek to destroy us, but we have The Deliverer on our side! Stand firm my brothers and sisters! Do not give the devil an inch, but set your feet in the Rock of Christ! Fight the good fight of faith and you shall find yourself one day at the end of the race!
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