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The Lion of Judah

"Do not weep! See, the lion of the tribe of Judah, The Root of David, has- triumphed. He is able to open the scroll and the seven seals."
Revelation 5:5 

Symbols and types are throughout the Bible. God alone is compared to a husband, mighty like the Leviathan (dragon), a Lamb, and finally a Lion. The reason our Lord is compared to creatures and familiar things of this earth is to help us understand parts of His nature. Jesus is the lamb that was slain for us, but he is also the Lion of Judah that shall fight on our behalf and defeat the Prowling Lion who is Satan. Aside from allegory and analogy, I believe that characteristics in animals do have at least a small piece of the Creator in them. Dogs are loyal, forgive easily, and loving like God. Cats are independent and curious like God is about us.

While we are made in God's image and have the greatest finger print of our Maker, the rest of God's creation does bare small similarities to our Lord. I am not saying that these creatures should be worshipped or revered, but that they can teach us like nature does about our Creator and Savior. It is as if everything God made is a mirror that points back to Him, if only we would look. The Lion is a unique creation. It is confident, courageous, and almost omnipotent in the animal kingdom. The Lion is called the King of the Jungle, for it takes territory and will fight to protect it like the monarchs of ages past. What is astonishing about lions is their complex nature of tenderness and fierceness. Watch a male Lion, in his eyes can be a peacefulness and mildness, but at the same time a regal quality that contains power and the means to execute judgment. To me this is a perfect analogy of Jesus himself. The Lion carries in its character mercy and judgment. For the cubs of the Lion there is mercy and love, but for his enemies fear and terror. We are like the cubs of Christ. We are protected by the Lion of Judah who's roar shakes the heavens and earth. I am not saying Jesus Christ is a lion, nay on the contrary I am using  imagery and symbolism. Christ is like a lion who's territory and dominion is the Earth and entire Universe. The Lord is the King of the Universe, not just a jungle.

The image of the albino lion fascinates me. In the White Lion I see the combination of the lamb and the lion. The White lion is like the Lion of Judah but he has the color of the Lamb for his mane and body. Jesus is both the Great Judge and the Great Savior. He rules with a scepter of mercy and justice. It is the balance between the two that we should view our Lord.


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