As Christians there is a tendency to fall into two deceptions. The first deception is the fear disposition. When Followers of Christ discover there is an enemy known as the devil and legions of demons out to destroy them, they become overcome by fear. This knowledge of the powers of darkness and what they can do causes many believers to feel bereft of peace. While it is good to be aware of the enemy, it is also imperative to lift up the Shield of Faith against fear, and repel the flaming arrows of the Evil One. The Lord tells us not to fear, but to trust in Him. Christ's blood protects us when call upon Jesus's name. We have been given all authority over the devil. (Luke 10:19).
The other deception that many Christians fall under is the reckless faith disposition. This disposition is where a Christian believes he is invincible and untouchable; that no power of hell or person of Earth can do him or her harm because Christ defeated the power of Satan at the cross. It is true that the devil is defeated and that Jesus won the victory at Calvary. However, Satan now wages gurella warfare, and can do damage to a Christian under certain circumstances. Christians in the reckless faith deposition discard the Shield of Faith and say "nothing can touch me, I am safe!" and then bang! An arrow of the enemy hits the believer in the head. The opposite extreme has a believer discard the Sword of the Spirit and shout "retreat!" and then cower beneath the Shield of Faith in a state of fear.
The answer to these two deceptive dispositions is a balance of offense and defense spiritually. We should trust (have faith in) Christ and shield ourselves from the Evil One , and at the same time take up the Sword of the Spirit and take ground for the Lord. There needs to be a balance on the battlefield. Christians need to take up both the Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of Faith to face the enemy successfully. The shield protects us in faith, while the sword hews at the demonic hordes. Christians were never meant to be completely entrenched in a castle for fear of the enemy or charging into the enemy lines without the protection of armor.
As believers we should be aware, but not afraid; alert, but not always looking for the devil. We need to have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in this spiritual war. Remember, never underestimate the power of Almighty God, but also never overestimate the power of the devil. If you put your trust in the Lord you shall not fail, but if you lower the Shield of Faith, the Enemy will fire his fiery shafts at your spirit and soul. Instead engage the enemy with the Sword of the Spirit and the Shield of Faith together. Remember to put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18), and you shall prevail against any obstacle the devil puts in your way.
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