It is a challenge to be a Christian in the Twenty First Century. According to society and the scientists we are seen as a backward people. In colleges and our culture we are told to open our minds and let other perspectives in. At first this seems rather harmless. We have to tolerate other beliefs and viewpoints to get an education, but what is happening unaware to many believers is the subversion subconsciously and sometimes consciously of the Christian Faith. Like an ivy that begins at the base of a wall, we can still see the wall or altar with the Truths of God written on it. However, in time that ivy climbs and begins to obscure our vision and the Truth is lost.
In the Book of Hebrews there is a sobering sentence for Christians. It says, "So we must listen to the Truths that we have heard, or we may drift from them." (Hebrews 2:1). We must as believers beware of saturating our minds in the lies of the world. If we are to be in classes or work environments that are hostile to our faith, we must then fill our hearts and minds with God's Word. While you study the lies, make time to study the Truth. When a text book tries to convince you that Christ is not real or not God, read the Gospels. If you must endure a lecture that contains anti-Christ sentiments, make sure to listen to encouraging audiobooks such as the Bible, Mere Christianity, and other works of the kind. The reason many drift from the Truth, is that they become filled with untruth. They do not maintain vigilance over their soul and make sure to balance the messages in their hearts and minds.
With deadlines and demands it can be hard to carve out time to study the Words of Christ in addition to that assigned by a teacher or boss. But if we shirk in safeguarding our Spirit, we shall find the darkness that dwells in the doctrines of men seeping into our very souls. The ivy will climb the wall and cover the cross. We will be unable to see our Savior, because Satan has placed the ivy-leaf shields to hide our Lord and to keep us from Him.
It is easier to live in extremes. By fearing an affront to our faith, we may refuse to attend a class or to work at a corporation. We become monks and live in our safe bubble of Church family. The problem is that you cannot reach the lost in the bubble. Yes there are perils out there. If you attending a school or work at a company you will find adversity. The answer is to meet that adversity with the Almighty. Do not believe that you are strong enough to enter the cobra pit and avoid getting bit. The vipers in the ivy are well trained and they will try to infect any Christian that enters their domain. Guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. Do not let the lies fester in your mind, but let them get caught in your Shield of Faith.
Stand firm. Find Christians who can pray for you as you navigate the mine fields. If possible find fellow believers in your class or work place. In numbers we are strengthened. But if you are the only represantive of Christ, take heart and remember that "greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the word." (1 John 4:4).
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