It is a marvel how science fiction often parallels the spiritual. There are very few who are not familiar with The Terminator. In particular, Arnold Schwarzenegger's T-101 Infiltrator who begins as the antagonist in the first film and then the protagonist is subsequent installments. Infiltration is an art that is alien to Christians. There is not a believer who would honestly try to infiltrate a witch coven or Occult group because the rituals would have them break faith and violate their convictions. The opposite is true about Satanists. Servants of the devil often infiltrate churches, Christian bookstores, Christian music, and even Christian media. The reason they are successful at masquerading as believers is two fold. The first reason is that they can easily blend in. Satanists can confess they follow Christ with impunity because it does not violate their goals or allegiance to Satan. The devil is a liar and so they can lie if it means sowing seeds of doubt and making Christians fall.
The second reason Satanists can successful infiltrate Christian Churches and circles is that very few believers have the discerning of spirits gift. St. Paul mentions the Gift of Discernment in 1 Corinthians 12:10. This gift allows a Christian to sense the demonic spirits with people and to sense the real spirit of the person themselves; wither they truly have the Spirit of Christ or not. Churches and Christian organizations should have these Watchmen with discernment around to spot the infiltrators, but few Christian circles accept the Gifts of the Spirit and are "far too trusting."
Most witches and Satanic infiltrators do not display their true allegiance publicly. The only means of spotting these spies and saboteurs for Satan is to have the Gift of Discernment and to pay attention when someone is sowing seeds of doubt. If there is a so called Christian believer in your group or around you who constantly questions or speak unbelief about Christ and the tenets of the Faith, then that person is likely an infiltrator. There is no such thing as Christian skeptic. True St. Thomas was called doubting Thomas, but after The Resurrection he came into line and became a missionary. Those who would make you question what you have believed or sow doubt are dangerous and should not be associated with.
It is difficult to address infiltration. For one, there are few who will believe that someone could infiltrate in the first place. Most high level Satanists come into Churches or Record labels with lots of money and they jump through the religious hoops and exams with ease. These infiltrators are more faithful than even the devout, they can be seen at every conference and meeting. Their constant presence appears to the beguiled and unwary as faithfulness, but in actuality the Satanist wants to be privy to everything going on in the Church or Christian company so that they can sabotage and sow seeds of confusion and chaos.
I am startled by how many Satanists are now in the circles of Christians. What is more alarming is expelling them is nearly impossible because they have gained the trust of the authorities of churches and companies. There are very few bold crusader type Christians who will confront these wolves in sheep's clothing and call for their dismissal from membership. As believers we must become aware. Ask for the Gift of Discernment and until you receive it or if you do not, use doubt as your guide. If someone is sowing seeds of unbelief, pay attention to that person and ask the question "what is their motives?" Be prepared to become a target yourself. If you notice someone is really in the service of the Evil One, they will know that you know and possibly turn your efforts to expose them against you. Pray to the Lord for help and be guided by the Holy Spirit when dealing with infiltrators.
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