It is important that we see the merciful side of the Messiah. The image of Jesus Christ upon the cross gives us comfort that He loves us, died for our sins, and has reconciled us unto Him. However, we must be careful to not caste aside the justice side of Jesus. Our Lord is returning and His wrath will be for those who are wicked. Some declare that Jesus' Judgment at the Last Day is unfair or unwarranted. To such claims I say blasphemy! One cannot judge God! And if you consider it from Christ's point of view perhaps you could get down from your high horse, no pun intended.
Jesus went through the excruciating death on the cross for every person. He bled and died miserably for the sake of all men and women. Those who refuse to believe in Him or accept Him have in effect spat in his face and said no to His sacrificial love! A no that is both insane and the epitome of evil! If anyone dare reject God who so loved them that He died for them so that they could be free from sin, the Second Death (hell), and separation from Him; then that person who rejects God deserves what God has for them.
To reject the Crucified Christ is to be crazy! God in his mercy and love gave His life to ensure that we could be saved and not have to toil and do acts of merit to be good enough (which we never could have been good enough). God took the burden from our shoulders and says, "I died for you, I paid for you, and now I want to have loving relationship with you here and now and unto all eternity!" Such love deserves respect, but the wicked have no respect. They choose to cheapen this Gift of God! They drink in spite and shake their fist in insolence! Their reward is double dose of wrath; firstly to be slaughtered like rebellious sheep, then to serve eternity in the Second Death of eternal fire. Some may see this as harsh, but what they have done to a loving God, One who gave everything to gain them and accept them into His fold, and asks only they trust and believe in Him in return; one who would reject God after all that deserves the flames.
Jesus let his body be torn into a fountain of blood. He let nails pierce His hands! He took the torment so that any who believe in Him would not have to serve in eternal torment and yet they refuse Him?! God painstakingly did all He could to save people from hell; He made it His mission to make a way of escape from the flames with His torn flesh, and death. The truth is those who reject Christ want to go to hell and eternal damnation. Yes, I said want to. Because Jesus has provided the path to eternal life, salvation, and paradise; but the wicked are stubborn and will not accept God's free gift through the Crucifixion and Resurrection. Anyone who is to suffer in the fires of hell does so willingly and by their own free choice! Christ gave them the easy out; He was afflicted and died on cross and asked they believe in Him as Lord and Savior. All who enter into Hades do so by their own hand and decision! God gave them every opportunity through Jesus Christ's Death, Resurrection, and Faith in Him! Honestly those who go to hell are fools! Yes fools! God offers them a Free gift of Salvation through Jesus Christ and only asks they believe (trust in) Christ and His sacrifice; but they refuse to and so damn themselves!
All the other religions require works, acts, endless treadmill of tasks and good deeds to merit heaven. Christ Jesus offers salvation freely to any who will accept Him and believe in Him. Yes, He asks us to follow Him and serve Him, but this is not to merit the salvation; it is the follow up. Once you ask Jesus Christ into your heart and life; you will find yourself born again and your life will change forever! God will lead you to greater things than you could imagine! Let me give an example, very few people remember the Pharaohs by heart and yet the Pharaohs strove for human wealth and power; we may remember a few names, but not their stories. In contrast, Moses, a man of God who put behind the wealth and might of Egypt to serve God is remembered forever! His deeds and history is honored by us Christian believers, other religions, and many who are not religious have at least heard of him, but can that be said about Pharaoh Menes?
Even more than Moses, Jesus is the "name above every name." (Philippians 2:9). He has changed the course of history and has opened the door to heaven. The only thing standing in people's way is choice. You can choose to believe and follow Jesus and salvation shall be yours or you can choose to not believe and live in eternal fires of the Second Death (hell). You can say "thank you" to Jesus who died for you on the cross, His love pouring out in pints of blood, or you can have the wicked audacity to reject this ultimate form of love. Choose today to believe in Jesus Christ! For his return is very near and soon it will be too late to make a choice. For when our Lord Jesus descends with the armies of heaven, the Earth shall be swept away and the wicked shall be slain with "the blood up to the bridle and the blood will be 80 miles long." (Revelation 14:20). Do not wait! Make haste to believe and stop spitting in God's loving face!
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