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Relating to God

The disposition of our body is a major barometer for how we feel in a relationship. You may notice out and about that around certain people, even strangers you stand erect and with confidence, but suddenly you come into the presence of someone and it is as if your back is bent forwards and you are in a constant bowing or arched position. What is the cause of this phenomenon? Does it have a connection to God? Is it demonic and emotional witchcraft? The answer to all of these will be explored in this post.

Let us begin with God. It is interesting the different postures people have in regards to the Almighty. In some churches when praying and praising, the person stand stall and lifts their hands and arms above their shoulders as if reaching out to their best friend. In another setting a person is bent over rocking back and forth like an Autistic child while praying, giving the impression that God requires this motion and distortion of posture to please him. Then there is the bowing and falling face down which connects to a view of God as Sovereign, King, and Lord. Are all of these healthy? Does God want us to respond in all three manners?

Raised Hands

Raising hands and head denotes a confidence and freedom. It says that God is personal and wants to see you face to face and even hug those He loves. It denotes from mere appearance a familiarity and friendliness. The formality is lost, but did not Jesus say, "I now call you friends," (John 15:15) and "Does the prince or strangers have to pay the tithe to the king? Peter responded, the strangers. Jesus then said, then the sons are exempt" (Matthew 17:24-26). While reverence is important, we must remember this is a relationship with Jesus and do you ask your friends to bend, bow, lay face down, or rock before you? Of course not! In company of friends and your children you welcome them with open arms and likewise the friends and children open their arms to receive and give the same love. Hence the raised hands in worship and prayer.


Shaking or rocking back and forth in prayer is found in Judaism, Islam, and the Shaker Movement of Christianity. The claim is that through this motion you can center yourself better and connect to God's presence. However, it is not in harmony with this verse, "A great wind came, but God was not in the wind. A great fire came, but God was not in the fire. The earth shook, but God was not in the shaking. Then there was stillness, and in the stillness there was still small voice and it was God." (1 Kings 19:11). There is another Bible verse where the Lord says, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10). Stillness is hard for people, shaking or rocking feels easier because it has action. However, can you hear someone when you are talking? Can you feel something if you are trying to feel something else? Senses can only focus on one thing at a time.



Bowing and falling prostrate before God is seen as the most reverential and pious form of prayer and worship. But is it really what Jesus wants? Do you make your relatives bow and lay before you every time you meet? No, of course not! You embrace in a hug, offer a kiss, and assure each other of your love for one another. We according to the Scriptures are God's children: "in Christ Jesus, children of God." (Galatians 3:26), "The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God." (Romans 8:16). If these scriptures do not convince, then let me share these, "He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ in accordance with his pleasure and will," (Ephesians 1:5) and "The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father." (Romans 8:15).

We are adopted sons and daughters of God. Paul said eloquently, "The Spirit does not make you slaves, nor live in fear again, but rather The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship and by him we cry, "Abba, Father." A son does not have to bow, tremble, shake, or prostrate themselves before God. Does a righteous Father and parent who loves their child make their son or daughter shake to prove their love? Does he make them bow and lay on their face to prove their faithfulness? No! So then why do we expect a loving God would do these things?

Are perception of God will shape how we perceive other relationships. If we think God is a harsh judge expecting perfection, or King that needs curtsy and ceremony, then why should it surprise us we may react that way to people? I believe that often those who are even free in Christ and know him personally can come under the control of those who perceive God in a wrong light. We someone is oppressed and they walk in the room it will have an effect on you. Often a remark will follow like, "whoa the atmosphere, the vibe, or room has changed huh?" People carry their relationship with God, even if they are an atheist into every place they go. It has an effect and can even cause your body to react in binding way. This is because demonic powers are attached to the lie that person believes and they notice at once someone who is not bound.

It is important to not make a method or rule out of what you can or cannot do in prayer. In some cases the Lord may ask you to fall prostrate or you may feel compelled to bow down in repentance. Incidental acts of this kind are fine, but when you develop the idea that you must shake, rock, bow, fall prostrate and so on to pray properly and to have God hear you or to be received by Him, then you have nullified His death! Jesus Christ already received you on the cross! His arms were stretched out to embrace you and to believe you must do something to be closer to Him is to say His blood is enough! In effect you are living like before Jesus died, when laws ruled people and there was not sufficient sacrifice for sin. But Jesus was the sacrifice! You don't have to do anything, no ceremony, special prayer, gesture, body movement or anything to be closer to God or be received by Him.

Do not act like Jesus hasn't died! Do not nullify the Blood of Christ with body positions and movements out of fear that you must do them to feel God's presence or to have your prayer received. No godly person or even the animals treat their offspring in such a manner! Lions even let their cubs play at their side, lick them, bite their ears and etc. And that is the creation, not the Creator! How much more so does are Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ in us love us and want to be close to us?! So decide today to stop bending and bowing, and be still and trust that God loves you, will touch your spirit, and receives you.


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