I have just been informed that the largest city in Iraq has been captured and that the Christians (which majority of the city's population) are being lined up and beheaded! Please pray for these brethren! Pray for them to either "endure to the end" and hold on to their faith in face of being cut to pieces or that they are provided a "way of escape!"
Martyrdom is paradox of sorts. On one hand it means the death of our devout brothers and sisters in Christ, on the other hand it fuels conversion and churches grow the more martyrs they are. Why is this? Why is blood the base of the Church? Why is Christians dying the door to many believing in Christ? The answer is that is how it started. Jesus was martyred for our sins, He was and is God who was crucified. Think about that. God's plan was for God to die so that we may live eternally. So isn't it interesting that Gods' people dying brings life to Church and more people into the eternal life!
I am not saying that any Christian should become suicidal and seek to be martyr. No, that wouldn't be martyrdom, but mania! While my hope is that many can be rescued from having to die for their faith, I also know as many do that read history and pay attention to the times we live in; the more the Church is persecuted and the more Christians are killed, the more people come to believe in Jesus Christ. It is the paradox of persecution. I personally believe we should pray these two words, "endure and escape." If it is God's will for some of His own people to perish in order that more may be saved, then so be it. This is not a harsh sentence, in fact those Christians who die, don't really die but go to Life Everlasting and the Source of Life himself, The Ancient of Days (Christ, Father, Holy Spirit). In a moment they will be with God and all pain and suffering gone forever. On the other hand we should pray that if it is God's will many escape and can live longer to share their faith.
In the first three centuries of the church is was an honor and sign of true faith is one was martyred. There was an expectation that if you lived so fervently, devoutly, and completely for Jesus, it would get out and the Emperor or authorities would have Christians recant their faith or rent asunder. After Constantine ended the last great persecution, this was no longer the norm, but now in the 21 Century martyrdom has returned en masse! Children are crucified, adult assaulted with rifles and knives. The Persecution is happening all over the Earth and we need to pray for our persecuted brethren and prepare for it when it comes to us.
Remember this, martyrdom is not so horrible. It means to die for your faith, which makes people believe, and it means to be with the Messiah and Maker of Heaven and Earth! So how is that terrible? Granted it is hard for families and friends watching, but realize this, it will be harder for you than them. They are going to be with the Lord Jesus, while you remain and may suffer much more before going to be with the Savior. Actually the Martyr should have pity on us; we have to stay and be threatened, suffer persecution, and many horrors.
Keep praying, but honestly the Blood of Martyrs is only going to grow as we get closer to Christ's return. In fact, Jesus said, "For there will be such great tribulation such as not been since the beginning of the world. And unless those days had not be cut short, none would be saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short." (Matthew 24:21-22). We have promise, but also another one from Jesus, "When the Son of Man (Jesus speaking of himself) returns will He find faith?" (Luke 18:8). This passage is alarming and so ultimately our number one prayer should be to pray that all persecuted Christians "endure to the very end." (Matthew 24:13, Revelation 2:10).
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