Jesus is the Door. (John 10:7). The door to salvation. This description of Christ and what is means it often lost on us. The reason is that it draws parallels to Noah and the Ark. In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus says, "In the last days it shall be in the times of Noah, people will drink, feast and have children, and the flood suddenly came upon them. In same manner shall be the Son of Man's coming.,," (see Matthew 24:37-51). This particular passage tends to draw our attention to Christ's Second Coming and how it will sudden like the Flood, but we are missing a point here that is revealed latter in the next chapter when Jesus gives the Parable of the Ten Virgins. Jesus said, "there were ten virgins, five who kept their lamps lit and their oil stocked and waited and watched, and five who fell asleep while waiting for the bridegroom. Suddenly there was trumpet and the Bridegroom (Jesus) had come. The five virgins with lamps that were lit went out, but were asked by those without oil for some, but the faithful virgins said, go into the town and buy some. It so happen that there was feast and the door was shut. The other five virgins knocked on the door and the Bridegroom said to their peas, "I do not know you, depart!" (Matthew 25:1-13, Paraphrased).
Notice the door again. On Noah's Ark there was door for the animals and for Noah's family. Inside and you were in protection of God's Gopher wood ship of salvation. Outside and you perished. Take that imagery to the cross, which is also made of wood and you see that those who embrace the cross or mast of the Messiah shall be saved, but those who do not shall suffer judgment worse than the flood! The analogy is clear, Christ is comparing his Second Coming to the Flood, for it was prophecies, "See, the LORD is coming with fire, and his chariots are like a whirlwind; he will bring down his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.." (Isaiah 66:15). A second flood is coming, but this time it will be blood that flows up to the horse's bridle and for eighty miles! (Revelation 14:20).
Jesus is the door. He is the only way to salvation. One must enter through Him to reach the Father (John 14:6). Those who do not enter shall be left outside to face His wrath. With Noah only one man, his wife, three sons and their wives believed and survived. In the case of Christ, the numbers are larger, but the Flood is coming! Jesus is returning and if anyone dares wait to the last minute like the five virgins with burnt out lamps, it will be too late and they like those swept away by the Flood Waters, shall fall in the Fiery Inferno.
There is no time to waste! The Church must convey and share the message (Gospel) of Jesus Christ now while it is still possible for people to enter into the safe of Ark of the Almighty's Arms through Jesus Christ on the Cross! Time is being lost! We cannot wait for the hour of our Lord Jesus Christ's return, because then it will be too late and those who did not hear and believe shall be judged! I believe those of us who carry Christ's message shall be reprimanded for being idle! That we having the Way of Salvation (Jesus), knowing the Truth of God (Jesus), and the security of Life eternal (Jesus) did not speak to the lost shall find ourselves ashamed or at the very least heart broken! We shall watch as many are caste into the Second Death, the Lake of Fire and wonder, "had we spoken up or shared, could not one more have been spared?" While I do not think Christ will make us feel perpetually saddened, in the moment of judgment I think we will feel sorrowful that more souls could have been saved before Our Lord's Return.
That is the heart we should have! We should be wanting to get people to the Door, Jesus Christ! We should be leading people to Him with that image in our minds! A sea of people ready to be plunged into the Second Death of Hellfire, could we have given at least one more the chance to escape it? There is no guarantee they would have believed, but there would be relief that we reached out and that they had at least the chance to say yes or no. Yes, the Holy Spirit and Father draws people to Jesus, but we are apart of that! Jesus said, "Go forth to all nations preaching the Gospel in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit." (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28;19). I would rather not have doubt when I watch people sink deep into the Second Death; I want to has the feeling that I tried to reach as many as possible.
Jesus is the door. The only way to heaven and salvation. What are you waiting for? If you already believe, then get from this post a sense of urgency to share your faith before the Flood of God's Wrath comes and we the believers are caught up! If you do not yet believe Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, then I say decide today to believe and trust in Him! Pray aloud or simply talk to God, say, "I know I am a sinner, that I have done evil and wicked things, Jesus Christ please forgive me and I will make you Lord of my life, trust you to save me, and follow you." Pray that and put your trust in Christ Jesus! He is coming soon and we need to be ready. So be ready!
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