The Pope according to reports is now healing families with his powers ( I have shared in previous posts how pope is promoting and preaching a false gospel and a false Christ (, It thus appears that the pope could in fact be The False Prophet (Revelation 13), also known as The Beast of Earth who helps the Beast of Sea (Man of Sin, Lawless One, Antichrist) by healing him and promoting his deception, "Then I saw a second beast, coming out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb, but it spoke like a dragon. It exercised all the authority of the first beast on its behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. And it performed great signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to the earth in full view of the people. Because of the signs it was given power to perform on behalf of the first beast, it ...deceived the inhabitants of the earth. It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." (Revelation 13:11-16). Jesus said, "There will be many false christs and false prophets, and they will preform signs and wonders if possible to deceive the elect." (Matthew 24:24), and "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie." (2 Thessalonians 2:9). Pope Francis I is already under a curse for preaching a false gospel, "But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse! As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God's curse!" (Galatians 1:8-9). As we prepare for the End, and behold the rise of evil, we must ask some very important questions. What is to become of those things once tied to Church of Rome? Are we as true disciples to be found associating with anything that has ties to the Catholic Church? Are Crucifixes to be cut down, Papal paintings to be put away, and the heritage of two thousand years to be trampled upon? Can the curse that is on Pope Francis I come on those associating with Catholic art, rites, symbols, and etc? Let us explore the answers.
The Crucifix
The Roman Church is known for its Crucifix and Madonna. The Crucifixion of Christ is the central point when we God's children were cleansed of sin and saved from hell. The apostle Paul says, "I preach Christ and Him crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles, but to both Jews and Gentiles that believe, the very Power and Wisdom of God." (1 Corinthians 1:23-24). The Crucifixion of Christ should be celebrated, for the Apostle says, "For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes." (1 Corinthians 11:25). The problem is crucifixes, Christ displayed on cross in agony, is associated with Catholicism, but the Crucifixion of Christ is one of two pillars of our faith! The Crucifixion is not the property of the Roman Church, but belongs to all Christian believers! The devil wants to taint the image of Christ Crucified because it was there on Calvary he was defeated, we were set free from bondage of sin and the destination of hell fire! What are we as believers then to do? If we wear a crucifix, encouraged by Martin Luther and other Reformers for its focus on Jesus, will not people mistaken us for Catholics? We do not be associated with the Pope and his false gospel, but are we to now to avoid the sign of salvation? The answer calls for a balance. Crucifixes prior to Pope Francis I are fine, for they have their root in Trinitarian Theology which is sound according to The Bible and Nicene Council. Avoid crucifixes specifically blessed by this Pope (or any pope), particularly the St. Benedict crucifix medallion which in of itself is a talisman and indulgence. All symbols of the saints and the Madonna are to be avoided because venerate them rather than God Himself.
Catholic Artwork
Some of the most incredible artwork of Jesus, His Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ministry, and themes from the Bible were painted by Catholic artists and commissioned by Catholic Popes and Bishops. What becomes of these masterpieces? Are we to discard them because of current pope's apostasy and heresy? Are the beautiful reminders of what God has done for us to be rent asunder or removed from our lives because of the false prophet Francis I? Again, this requires balance. I believe that many of paintings about Jesus and Spiritual themes are useful, I often display them in posts like this one. Artwork is difficult to discern due to two facts: you can make art your own and interpret what you want from it and the spirit of artist always bleeds through and can effect you negatively. I believe Catholic artwork tell at least the 18th century is worthy, but again there will be motifs, themes, allegories, and iconography from Roman Rite and beliefs of the Catholic Church; thus you must be weary of overt Romanism. In the end it depends on individual, wither their filter and conscience can tolerate it and be unaffected by any negative elements.
Secular people marvel at the splendor of cathedrals. The architecture to the superb artwork inside, cathedrals are considered the marvels of the Middle Ages. How are we to feel and react to these ancient masterpieces that tower in most of European cities? The answer is marvel away and make peace with fact that they were made to honor Christ, and yes saints. While keeping your distance from clergy of Catholic Church is wise, keeping away from cathedrals is not advised. Unless the Pope is going to make declaration and further his false prophet goals, enjoy the quiet of the cathedrals and beauty within. Besides at the rate ISIS is destroying the wonders of the world, they may not be there much longer.
Catholic Authors
What is to be done about Catholic authors? Thomas A Kempis wrote the brilliant devotional "The Imitation of Christ" in 16th century and it is one of the most widely read books after The Bible. Kempis was a Catholic Monk, who astonishingly believed seeking Christ was more important than seeking the saints and the knowledge of men, he understood, "In Christ is all treasury of knowledge and wisdom." (Colossians 2:2-3). Other authors like Brant Pitre, a devout Catholic wrote a incredible book, "Jesus The Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told." In Pitre's book he explores the Jewish and Gentile views of Christ as Messiah and Bridegroom. A must read that I recommend even though the author is a professed Catholic. There are Catholic books I find harmful, "The Book of Common Prayer," "The Rule of St. Benedict," "Confessions St. Augustine of Hippo," "The Select Writings of Thomas Aquinas," and many more that fill the mind with counter Biblical Truth and come against the knowledge of the Truth, Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Again acute discernment, discretion, and defense of your mind and heart is crucial to dealing with Catholic books. I think it ill advised and unwise to read anything pertaining to Pope Francis I, since it is laible to depict him as a great spiritual leader rather than the forruner to Lawless One (2 Thessalonians 2).
Catholic Music:
The Gregorian chant of the Church of Rome can be mesmerizing. Songs like "Agnus Dei", "Pater Nostrum" and more echo like pipes through the Monks. However, is it safe to listen to Catholic music? Science has confirmed that music effects every part of brain, and its power to motivate a person and even manipulate their emotions can be potent. I would avoid "Avia Maria" and other chants to the Madonna and Saints (idolatry, only the Lord God is to be worshipped), but if it is Pater Noster (The Lord's Prayer) and pays homage to the Trinity then there is no harm.
It becomes difficult to navigate after a nefarious change takes place in an institution, movement, legacy, and product. The Radical Reformers believed all imagery and association with the Church of Rome had to be rent asunder and removed from view. Martin Luther and others disagreed, believing the Crucifix and other symbols were still useful and true, despite the harlotry of Rome. Even though Luther called the Roman Church the Harlot Babylon, and the Pope the antichrist, he seemed to believe "do not throw out the baby with bath water." Even if some of these good things, like reverence and celebration of Christ's Passion, Resurrection and Birth came from a corrupt Church, they are not to be discarded. Luther seemed to say, The child should not be thrown out with bath water, even if the mother in this case was a harlot. People dance between two extremes, either permitting all or shunning all. I believe that we must be wary of anything attached to Rome, especially because the Pope is seems to be the false prophet and could be the Beast of the Earth (Revelation 13:10-19). Still does that mean we must reject everything from past because of one man? To answer that you must seek the Alpha and Omega, Christ Jesus Himself. I urge caution, but not crazed fanaticism. You must check your integrity before the Lord, and determine what at this junction is acceptable or not. There may come a time when we cannot have anthing Catholic because of what transpires, but until then, let the Holy Spirit guide you. As for my advice, those past paintings, writings, symbols, and celebrations were prior to this Pope, and so they have nothing to do with him. Navigate with discernment, but remember to do as Paul said "Do not treat prophecies with contempt, but test all things. Hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ," (1 Thessalonians 5:20-12). Be led by Holy Spirit who will prod your conscience.
It does seem convincing to condemn and discard any associations with Catholic Church as Radical Reformation did. But do you really believe you must hold in disdain Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel Ceiling, The Last Supper, and Crucifix? Those were all commissioned by Popes and monks. I think there can be a balance. Beware of the Catholic Church of today, realized that The Reformation set us free from bondages of Babylon, but like with every institution some good came from it, in this case artwork and symbols, and holidays (Christmas and Passion Week are Catholic).
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