Jesus Christ is real. He is not fable, he is not a fiction, and He is not a tradition. The Message (Gospels) are not mythos, they the very truth of God! Jesus is not just a teacher, He is not merely a prophet. Jesus is the Son of God and God Himself! (Colossians 2:9, Ephesians 3:19). I grow weary of what I am watching in Body. Believers treat their Lord like He is legend when our Lord is Life! Jesus is not a lifestyle, He is Alive! The things I am beholding, the falling away, the false philosophies posing as Christianity are astounding! People claim to be Christ followers and then act like He didn't rise from the Dead! Its appalling and frankly not surprising. These are false christs Jesus Christ warned about. He said, " In those days there will be many false christs and false prophets. And if anyone says come to this place in desert or to this inner room and claims he is here, do not go and do not believe them, for surely as lightning flashes fr...