I am dog lover as they say. But do not be deceived by thinking I discriminate, I love cats too. However, there is dignity in dogs that I wish to express. Dogs have a character that is Christ's like! They love unconditionally in way few humans can. When we are weeping, our beloved pup will come and lick away the tears and reassure us we are loved. More amazingly, dogs communicate this love without speaking. Yes, they do it through looks and touch. A dog is capable of convey deep love without uttering a word, something I think we could learn form.
I believe Man's best friend has piece of The Best Friend who is Jesus Christ! Many have said dog is simply God spelled backwards and frankly that is still profound because dogs do love like God does, unconditionally and they are loyal to the end. A loyal canine will die for its owner. In this way a dog become like Christ, laying down its life in loyalty to the one it loves.
We can learn so much from all the animals, but dogs in particular. So I dedicate this post to the Lord God and his creation the dog. How much joy, consolation, and love this creature in all its breeds bring us! It bonds with man so easily and fosters a relationship of protection. And no matter what a dog will love its owner for better or worse, which is more than you can say for many marriages these days.
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