During the earlier days of the Church, Christians found themselves explaining their faith on two fronts. To the Jew, the goal was to prove Jesus was more than a mere man; that he was the Messiah and the Son of God. To persuade the Jew, Christians empathized The Ressurection as proof of Christ's divinity. The event that sealed the Savior's identity as God is in the tomb; there where He rose from the dead. A Jew was reminded that Jesus was the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning the messiah; that Jesus was the Son of Adam, Son of David, and Son of God.
The Romans, Greeks, and Gentiles were the complete opposite. They believed Jesus was The Son of God, but they wrongly believed He roamed the earth like a ghost or apparition (spirit). The Greek or Roman could not easily believe that Jesus was born and God made flesh, which is peculiar because the Greeks and Romans were exposed to the lies of half dieties like Hercules and yet they struggled to believe the Truth of Jesus? To prove to the Greco-Roman that Christ was God in the flesh, Christians used The Crucifixion as the testament that Jesus suffered and that His flesh was pierced by thorns, nails, and a spear.
The two pillars of Christianity are the Cross and the Tomb. Upon the cross God in the flesh (Jesus Christ) died for the sins of all mankind and thus making those who believe in Him able to have a relationship with God on Earth and enter into eternity thereafter. The Tomb is the second act, the Ressurection is proof Jesus was not merely a mortal man but truly the Son of God who has conquered the grave for all who believe in Him! The Gospel is woven in wood and stone. The two Acts of Christ are intrinsic, for if Jesus had only died then he would have been just an ordinary man. The Resurrection assures us that Jesus is God and affirms that our faith is real and true. Likewise, without the Crucifixion there is no Resurrection and thus no restoration of God and Man's relationship. The Crucifixion and Resurrection happened! Both the Cross and the Tomb are now symbols of our salvation through Christ Jesus!
The time has come to believe. "Seek The Lord while he may still be found!" (Isaiah 56:6). Repent of your sins, believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Ask Jesus to enter your heart, soul, mind, and spirit. Be baptized by The Holy Spirit and praise God the Father who is the Creator. While it is true that the thief merely said he was guilty of his sins and asked Jesus to remeber him in paradise and that was enough for Christ to say, "truly I say to you that you will be with me in paradise," (Luke 23:36). It is important that we cover the bases and remeber that The Gospel says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Begotten Son and whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).
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