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ISIS Crisis

The Church in Iraq is under attack. A resurgent Islamic terrorist group calling themselves The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or ISIS has begun an assault on Christians in Iraq. 30,000 Christian Believers have been rounded up by ISIS and placed on a mountain in Iraq with no food or water. In addition ISI recently tore in a child in half who had been baptized in an Episcopal Church. The Canon priest in Iraq is asking for prayer. He asks that we as fellow believers "pray for protection, provision, and perseverance."

The persecution is in full swing in the Middle East and Asia. ISIS has begun a Christian Holocaust. Christians in Syria or Iraq are branded with an N in Arabic for Jesus of Nazareth (see post pic). This branding is remniscant of what the Nazis did when they rounds up the Jews and put in their clothes the Megan David (Star of David). 

When researching about ISIS and their insidious, nay invidious work in Iraq, I stumbled upon an Egyptian goddess named Isis. Isis was the wife of one of the chief Eyptian gods called Osris. Isis gave birth to Horace, a warrior god like Thor and Hercules. Isis also is said to have been the mother of kings, paroahs, and conqerors. I do not think it is a coincidence that this Islamic Terrorist organization has the same name as an Egyptian goddess who have birth to rulers and conquerors. Hagar was an Eyptian midwife and Ishmael is half Eyptian. The ancestors of this Islamic extremist group were Eyptians and thus it is no surprise they would use the connection to support their quest for superiority, submission, and an Islamic State.  

As Christians we need to pray for our imperiled brothers and sisters in The Lord. In Iraq part of our family is under attack and persecution. We must lift them up in our prayers. Do not forget them, for if one part of our family suffers, we all suffer. Iraqi Christians now join the long list of Christians who are captured and subjected to cruel treatment for their faith. China, Iran, Sudan, Russia, and even the U.S.A. Itself are a of the many nations now in full fledge Chrisfian persecution. Thankfully we in The Church of America have not been branded and rounded up. But a day may be coming when the Remnannt here will join the rest of Remnant in camps and torture chambers. 

Pray without ceasing. The hour is short and the persecution is at hand. 
I have just received word that ISIS is now crucifying young children! O Lord come quickly! Please pray for these innocents who are being martyred! Pray that the Allied Forces can come to their rescue and if not in time, that they hold on to their faith and endure this terrible death. These children need a deliverer and the US Forces maybe just that if they can get to them and end ISIS' insidious reign.


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