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First Love

Beware of cupid's arrow. Love between a man and woman is natural, but amore can be twisted by Aphrodite's into idolatry. People crave love. From youth we are told romantic tales of Sir Tristan and Isolde and Romeo & Juliet. In the Bible we read about Adam and Eve and Jacob and Rachael. The desire for romantic affection is natural, but it can have unnatural effects if not bridled. In some cases a union between lovers is a blessing, it builds faith and creates a triad between God, man, and woman. However, in other circumstances the infatuation with another person can be cause for drowning a relationship with the Lord.

Christ chastises the Church in Ephesus for, "forsaking your first love." (Revelation 2:4). We must be cautions of letting any relationship rob us of our first love in Christ Jesus. The devil if he cannot persuade us with fire and shadow will make for us a chiseled sculpture of beauty that will be our ruin!  Our amorous passion can become a means for purging God. Our enemy knows that the only thing stronger than the Spirit is our sexual drive and desire to not be alone. Thus we must guard ourselves with all due diligence.

I am not advocating fear. Nay, this is a warning from a song of experience. If rightly joined, you shall find in a spouse the Savior himself. Thy faith will be renewed and reinforced in your love. But not rightly jointed and you find faith fade like the fog of the mourn and replaced with idolatry of heart. I pray thee, do not forget your first love! No man or woman has given their life for thee, except Jesus Christ. If the choice should come to God or the person whom thou hold in affection, choose God! They are not thy true mate if they doth try and purge thy devotion to the divine.

Pardon the old English, for within it lies the truth. The Lord before love to any other. If they you court be a true match, then drawn to Christ through them you shall be. Keep your eyes fixed upon Christ and if He be magnified in your love, than a right and true love have you found. But beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing. The one who claims to be Christian, but draws your heart from Christ. Shut your heart to such a seducer and wait for the one whom you shall share an affection that builds you both up in faith. A love that when exchanged pleases the Lord for it finds root in the Tree of Life and not the Forbidden Fruit.


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