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The Power of Belief

It is easy to become bogged down in the battle with the devil. Often we as Christians feel overwhelmed and almost convinced the darkness is greater. The truth, "Greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world." (1 John 4:4). This should be our Christian's battle cry, but sadly we get seduced into not believing it. I am convinced that we empower the devil when we believe his lies. Our enemy requires us to accept the chains of bondage, the disbelief and unbelief to get us caught in the dungeon of despond. We have the power in Christ to cut the chains and be set free, but many of us have misplaced our trust. Rather than trusting the Lord and believing in His power and ability to rescue us, we believe our enemy.

Power manifests when we believe. If you believe the devil is stronger and that he can defeat you, then he gains strength. But if instead you believe Christ is greater and that the Lord God has defeated the devil and commands all, then the power of the Most High is made manifest. Jesus says, "If you believe, you shall receive whatever you ask for in prayer." (Matthew 21:22). The power is in believing. Belief and unbelief have power. With belief all things are possible. With unbelief nothing seems possible. Unbelief has the power to stifle belief, Jesus demonstrates this in Nazareth when it says, "He could not do many miracles there because of their unbelief." (Mark 6:5). Believing activates and taps into the limitless power and possibilities of Almighty God, while disbelieving or having unbelief creates a disconnect with that power.

Now, on occasion the battle with the devil will be intense and it will not revolve around if you believe he is strong or not. However, we do give power to the Kingdom of Darkness when we despair and allow the depression of demons to enter our hearts. The Word of God says, "Guard your heart will all due diligence." (Proverbs 4:23). Safeguard your soul by trusting in the Savior Jesus Christ. Remember, God has already won. Call upon the name of the Lord and He shall answer! Jesus said, "You have not, because you ask not. Ask and you shall receive." (Luke 11:9, Matthew 7:7). We have but to make the request and the Almighty with his army of angels will accost the enemy and make him flee.

We should carry ourselves as triumphant! We are Christians and Christ has won the great battle! His Return shall seal the fate of our enemy and until them we should keep our heads raised in victory and fight with the knowledge that the All Powerful One is with us! There is nothing that can stand against a saint if he or she trusts in the Savior! Stand firm and remind Satan of his fate. The flaming arrows and barrage of lies will not last forever. The devil and his servants will one day be caste into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:10). With that knowledge fight as a knight or soldier who is victorious and who knows the outcome of the battle will be in favor of God. Do not despair, but rejoice in the Lord! As the Psalmist David says, "rejoice and be glad in Him!" (Psalm 118:24).


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