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Jurassic Park: Just Profanatory

Steven Spielberg never shirks from sacrilege when it comes to Christianity. In most of his films there is snarky or sarcastic remark towards Jesus or his followers. However, the most stark and startling profanatory from Spielberg is contained in the legacy of Jurassic Park.

In the first installment of the Jurassic Park franchise, there is a character named Donald Gennero. Most fans will know him as the man on the toilet who is eaten by the T-Rex, but Gennero's story is far more startling than his demise. Donald is introduced early on as a Lawyer and representative of the investors at INGEN. Gennero is depicted a clumsy, irritating, greedy, and anal retentive. But more importantly, Donald reveals in his last moments that he is a Catholic Christian. When the T-Rex first appears in the Paddock and eats the goat, the limb or leg of the goat falls on the car and Generro is heard saying, "Oh Jesus!" He then proceeds to leave the car and abandon the children, being such a great example of Christ (sarcasm, for Christ said, "He that tries to save his life will lose it."). Then later, when the Rex has already totaled the car Lex and Tim are in, Ian Malcom runs from the Rex towards the toilets where we catch Gennero on the pot saying, "Hail Mary full of grace.. ahhh!"

Donald Gennero right after his Hail Mary Prayer
The bathroom collapses and the T-Rex looking upon Donald, decides to make a meal out of him by scooping up Generro like Gelato with his banana sized teeth and massive mouth. The only Christian in the entire film is devoured and that is no coincidence. Spielberg made sure to have the only Christian be careless, self focused, and to die in the most memorable way. Everyone remembers that Gennero dies on the John. All of Donald's prayers, and cries to Jesus are unanswered, a dig towards Christians watching the film and a comment straight form Spielberg.

The sacrilege does not stop there. No, Spielberg had not had his fill of saints being slaughtered. In The Lost World: Jurassic Park, there is only one character who can be identified as Catholic, that is Dieter Stark who is one of IGEN's hired men to capture dinosaurs on Isla Sorna. Dieter in a scene when he is to shoot a Parasaur ("The One with the Big Red Horn.." - Roland) he is reeled out by a hydraulic in his car allowing his seat to hover over the ground and give him a clear shot. Before Stark shoots, he genuflects and makes the sign of the cross. Later, Dieter is to die the most horrible death in the entire film! Dieter Stark is eaten by Compys, the little green carnivores who swarm him and devour him slowly in the most gruesome scene in the entire movie! 

Dieter Stark
So why does Spielberg give the most gruesome and memorable deaths to Catholic Christians in his two most memorable films? The answer is nothing short of anti-Christ. Spielberg may have created a triumph for Judaism with his Schindler's List (he failed to reveal in the film that Oscar Schindler became a devout Christian saving the Jews), but when it comes to Christianity Steven is determined to be disrespectful and degrading. Spielberg is able to walk away with these Christian casualties because he is a golden boy of Hollywood and thus untouchable.

Spielberg's scandalous streak does not end with the first two installments of Jurassic Park. No, Joe Johnston continues the Christian curse with the character of Cooper in his film Jurassic Park III. In the third installment in the Jurassic Profanatory, a character named Cooper appears when Alan Grant is recruited by the Kirbys for a tour of Isla Sorna from the sky. Aboard the plane there is a mysterious man in the back in all black who goes by the name Cooper. When Billy, Alan Grant's assistant, asks Cooper how he knows the Kirby's, Cooper responds, "uh.. through our church." Cooper is not a clergyman, but again the joke is about Christianity. Finally, Cooper is the first casualty. He pleads from the airstrip, "Oh God, please stop," before he is snapped up by the Spinosaurus. While it is not confirmed that Cooper was a Christian, he did pretend to be a pastor and then called on God to save him. But like Generro, he was not heard.

Cooper the fake Clergyman

It is no secret that the Jurassic Park movies espouse Darwinism and try to heavy handedly indoctrinate the masses with Chaos Theory and Evolutionary Theory. The Millions of years ago recitation comes up again and again, not to mention the flawed theory that dinosaurs became birds (Alan Grant's claim in Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III). Not to mention the outright statement by Ian Malcom, "God creates dinosaurs, God creates man, man destroys God, man creates dinosaurs." (Jurassic Park, T-Rex Paddock). What is this if not sheer mockery of Creationism and Christian belief?!

I grew up loving the Jurassic Park franchise, but it does disturb me that in the trilogy there are Christians being depicted as foul fools who die in the most gruesome and memorable ways. Go back and watch all three Jurassic Parks carefully. Pay attention to Generro's words as he steps out of the car, "Oh Jesus!", then just before Ian jumps through the bathroom and you hear Generro saying, "Hail Mary full of grace..aahhh!" Then watch The Lost World Jurassic Park and pay attention at the Game Trail scene when Roland and the IGEN Hunters are chasing Herbivores. When Dieter Stark says, "Ok.. Cater reel me out.." You will see him genuflect and then prepare to the take the shot. I need not to flag or draw attention to Cooper, his scene of pretending to be cleric cannot be missed, nor his last cries for help.

Also keep in mind that the Darwinists and Naturalists (Naturalism is a political view that nature needs to be left alone and man needs to be out of the picture, its really a religion of Mother Earth) never perish. In Jurassic Park, Alan Grant and Ellie Sadler who are Evolutionists both live. Ian Malcom who is Chaotician survives in both Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park. Sarah Harding and Vick Van Owen who are Naturalists both live.

I nearly forgot that in The Lost World: Jurassic Park during the finale with the Male T-Rex running amok in San Diego, there is a man who gets attacked and while being chewed on says, "Oh God!" It is clear anyone who calls on God, in particular Jesus is not going to be saved in films directed or produced by Steven Spielberg. What is sadly ironic is that in Michael Crichton's novel, The Lost World (upon which The Lost World: Jurassic Park is based), a man is snapped up in the jaws of the one of the T-Rexes and cries out, "God save me/Jesus save me!" The T-Rex stops chewing and puts the man down. Ian Malcom responds, "there is a God!"

In short, as a Christian I do not think I can recommend the Jurassic Park films anymore. If you want to see what dinosaurs probably really looked like, it is a great movie. But on a spiritual level, the Jurassic films are demeaning towards our faith. Unfortunately, Spielberg and his protégées have done a brilliant job of hiding the anti-Christianity with special effects. How can anyone pay much attention to these characters who are clearly Catholic, when there is giant dinosaur on the loose? I recommend believers take a second look to verify what I am saying, and to consider if it is wise to support these movies anymore. Frankly, I will never be able to watch them again without noticing Spielberg's anti-Christ/Christian commentary.


I have only seen the fourth installment to the Jurassic Series, Jurassic World, once and so my memory on any antichristian or antichrist allusions is sketchy. I do know that many Costa Rican men are eaten and killed by Idominus Rex, and Velociraptors. Most Costa Ricans re Roman Catholic, just as Brazilians, Porticans, Mexicans, Argentinians, and all often Catholic. So the greatest feast of human life for Indominus Rex and Velocraptors (eating peoples hearts out) is a feast on Hispanic and Costa Rican people who probably are Catholic, since most are in real life and so its a subtle jab rather than an outright one as Spielburg and Johnston did.


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