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The Triumph of Christianity, Gustave Diore |
Buddhism is the belief in meditating to higher state of self (enlightenment), culminating in the separation of ones personality from their spirit. The problem, there is no incentive to associate with the world and the people therein. According to the teachings of Buddha, you are better off isolated and building your Dharma in solitude. Buddhism fails additionally because if you fail to reach Arahant (the final stage of enlightenment) you are doomed to be reborn over and over via reincarnation. Thus Buddhism has a belief system of works and notion that flawed human beings can atone for their own sinful nature.
Hinduism is a complex belief in pantheon of gods (the estimated number of Hindu gods is 7.6 Billion). Hinduism fails immediately because a Hindu must juggle alliances to at least seven chief gods, among them Brahman and Vishnu while still worrying about the others. Confusion and anxiety undoes Hinduism as well as morality. Hindus have caste system and if you are born in the higher echelons like the Brahmins, you are in good graces of the gods, while if you are in lower castes you must work you way up. For the Brahmins and upper caste members morality is not necessary because they are sealed, while for the low caste members it falls again to doing works to atone and reach the higher level of spirituality.
Islam is a monotheistic (one god) religion. One side of the crescent faith is peaceful, with Muslims praying facing Mecca six times a day to Allah (their god) while seeking to invoke Jihad Ashgar (sanctification: a process of purging the sinful flesh). The darker side of the crescent is cloaked in kamikaze terrorists who practice Jihad Akbar (Holy War) and seek to eliminate anyone who does not adhere to their radical doctrine of superiority and submission to Allah by force. Both the peaceful and militant sides of Islam await a messiah, the Mahdi, who will return to complete the Prophet Mohammad's work. The only problem is that Mahdi cannot save Muslims from sin, he will not die as Christ did for Muslims and all people. The Mahdi is a warrior messiah, not a savior and thus Islam fails because on one hand it has no hope of dealing with the problem of sin, and on the other genocides anyone who does not agree with the radical Akbarism. Muslims endeavor to make themselves right before God by fearfully praying five times a day, thus their faith is built on works, which is folly because how can a man ever atone on his own for the magnitude of his or her sins?
Satanism is the belief in deify the devil, the enemy of God. Satanists worship the devil and do acts of witchcraft, human & animal sacrifice, and sexual orgies. Satanism fails on so many levels. First it fails because Satan is a fallen angel, who lost his power at Calvary when Christ died for the sins of mankind. Secondly Satanism creates a plethora of painful damage to people, animals, nature, and property. Worshippers of the devil are infused with the evil one's desire to deceive, steal, and destroy. There is no morality present with Satanism or Luciferianism, for Satan is not moral but ever wanting to harm the human race. Therefore, Satanism is ultimately about destroying man and filling him with devils tell he is no longer man. Satanism fails because it isolates and cause harm to all creation. Satanists are self-center and power seeking, they do abominable things to acquire what they want and thus destroy all sense of safety and security in their fellow man.
Darwin's Evolutionary Theory is a belief that every species evolved into their current state over the course of billions of years. In Darwin's theology, there is no god but merely osmosis and a random universe. Darwinism fails because it does not explain the supernatural occurrences people see, the fact that apes and monkeys still are here (they should have evolved by now), and the issue that nothing as complex and intricate as our Universe and all that is within could just randomly come together without being shaped & designed. Darwin did recant his theory on his deathbed, but his daughter did not publicize it and thus millions, even billions of people believe a lie that the author of that lie admitted is a lie.
Flaws: Purposelessness, No Afterlife, and No Morality
Humanism is the belief that man or humankind is the measure for all things. In humanism, man is god, he governs his own destiny and thus decides what is right and wrong. Humanism fails because it leads to "all things are permissible" or abject morality. In short anything goes and no one can tell you to not murder or steal if you believe killing someone is not murder and taking something is not stealing. Humanism fails because man is not a god and is flawed and to give him free range without any law or morality outside himself dooms him to become a tyrant towards others.
Flaws: Pride and No Morality
Nihilism is the belief that this life is all there is and what awaits mankind in death is a black void of nothingness or emptiness. Nihilism fails on two fronts, for one is does not harmonize with man's desire for an afterlife. Almost every religion has a afterlife. C.S. Lewis once said, "for every want there is a fulfillment of that want. When we are hungery there is food. When we are thirsty there is drink. Thus man's desire for immortality or to live forever is the want and heaven or hell is the fulfillment." Secondly Nihilism repeats the problem of Humanism, if there is no god and no afterlife, if this life is all there is, then you should be free to do whatever you want, no matter how vile and harmful. You might as well be the Joker from Nolan's the Dark Knight. What does a Nihilist need with morality? They believe there is no reason to aspire to being moral and ethical, because there is no reward.
Judaism is the belief in a monotheistic deity (Y'WH) who called a people (Jews) to be his family in Eden (Paradise) through Adam and then again in paradise lost through Abraham. Jews adhere to the Torah, or the Law given by the Prophet Moses and subsequent holy men. Judaism is the forerunner of Christianity; it is the first half of the Christian faith. Judaism fails because there is no means to make perpetuation for sin. The Temple was destroyed long ago by Titus and there is no sacrifice to make for the transgressions of Jews. Secondly, Judaism fails because it has been turned into a religion of works. Followers look to the Law to save them, but the Law is a cruel master and will only condemn and make sin more apparent to its disciples. The Law as St. Paul says in Romans is a "teacher," but it is not the Savior. Even the Jewish Messiah is interpreted to be more like the Muslim Mahdi, a King and warrior to destroy the wicked enemies of Israel. The Jews are correct, Christ who was and is the Messiah will come back as King full of wrath for the wicked, but they have missed the hour of salvation if they do not look to the Mercy Seat (The Cross of Calvary), repent, and let the Blood of Christ cover them as the blood covered the Israelites' doors in Egypt from the angel of death. Jesus' blood is the only means of protecting anyone from the Second Death.
Flaws: No Forgiveness of Sin and Works
Finally, Christianity triumphs because God did it all. Jesus Christ on the cross died for the sins of mankind for all time, and has made man right with God again. The problem of sin is solved. Christianity is not about works, by Grace we our saved by the works of Christ not our own (Ephesians 2:8), we only need believe. The problem of works is solved. In Christianity we are encouraged to be "in the world,." and to "go make disciples of all nations.." (John 17:14-15, Matthew 28:19) The problem of isolation is solved. The Christian faith has an afterlife. One part of eternity is heaven or paradise where God dwells and the other hell which is eternal torment and meant for the devil and the wicked. The problem of the afterlife is solved. Through Christ the entire Law is fulfilled and yet believers through loving him are infused with his character, which is the Torah! Christians thus are compelled to be moral, to live through loving Christ according to the tenets that create respect, safety, and greater love. Jesus said the great commandment is to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body, and soul. The second is like this, love your neighbor as you love yourself." (Mark 12:30-31). These two commands Christ said fulfill the whole of the Law, but instead of being hard rules, they flow from a fountain of love. The problem of morality, solved. The Christian God: The Father (Y'WH), Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit is not too many. The Almighty is three but one, He is One God but three person and while our minds cannot comprehend this, the confusion of too many gods is solved in that we need only believe in Him and not a pantheon of billions of different deities with different demands. The problem of reason is additionally solved, because we are not required to understand nor grasp everything about the Lord. Christians are simply required to believe in Christ and follow Him.
In Christianity there is no meditating for six hours, no trying to keep track of billions of gods, no praying in fear six times a day, no sacrificing innocent people or animals, no depression from believing you came from an ape, no narcissism, no fear of death, and no law keeping. All other religions have you trying to get to God, but in Christianity God comes to us! This is the Triumph of Christianity! It is without the flaws and pitfalls of the other faiths. While we may not understand God fully or fathom how he works, that only proves He is God and think of the alternative! If you believe you are god, but have no morality, you could become a dictator or emperor who mistreats people. Or you could give up your passions to meditate six hours a day or perhaps pray six times a day and be afraid if you don't that God will slay you. You see, all other religions have fear and pride as their pedestals. Christianity has love and truth as its pillars. Christianity triumphs because it meets the need in all of us, the need to be saved, accepted, and loved.
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