The Romans who ruled the earth for Five-Hundred Years were considered tolerant. They abided the diverse faiths of different cultures they conquered and even let them worship their gods. Governors and Prefects ruled barbarians (non-Romans) with the aid of indigenous rulers who were allowed to keep their positions or were elected if they were favorable to their Roman masters. The Romans even built better roads, aqueducts, latrines, and markets. For all intensive purposes, being under the rule of Rome was great!
Or so it seems. The Romans had another side. When someone disagreed with the rulers or their enforcers (Praetorium and Centurions) they were put to death. If politician was favoring an enemy of Cesar, or the new establishment, they were assassinated. For the barbarians strict curfews were administered, and those who would speak out for their beliefs, civilization, or politics were silenced with execution in the form of Crucifixion. Rome is wonderful, until you don't agree with it. If you will not be ruled, the roads will run red with your blood.
Sound familiar? How many of us as Christians live under regimes, governments, and even systems like the world system are comfortable and enjoy the benefits, but realize if we speak up and defy what the good ol' boys believe we will be dashed in the dust. Romans when they conquered people's lands would salt the fields, which made the land for five years unable to produce crops! Some could say similar sanctions are going on regarding water restrictions and other measures against farmers.
As Christians have we become Romanized? Are we allowing our mouths to be shut because Rome builds us new roads, better sewage systems, and feeds us choice fruits? Are we compromising our faith for food, finer things, and finer living? Have we as the Apostle John said, "gained the whole world but lost our soul?" (Mark 8:36). I am concerned with how silent the saints have become. We don't want to speak out because our source of comfort may dry up (are fields be salted) and we might suffer losing our possessions and people.
Are we collaborators? Have we stooped to Caiaphas and Herod Antipas' level; appeasing Rome and missing the Messiah right in front of us? Are we ready to receive our King Jesus Christ or have we become comfortable with the way things are? Are we already to fat and happy with the way things are, that when Jesus returns we will groan and be like those who, "hide beneath the mountains in terror and ask for the mountains to fall upon us." (Revelation 6:15).?
I am concerned with the way Christianity is headed. That it is too comfortable with being ruled by anti-Christian rulers, that when Jesus Christ comes many will not want the Lord to reign. In fact, many leaders in Church are not better than the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' Day, men who had bought their positions in the Sanhedrin (church/religious council) from the Romans. They sold their integrity, sincere faith, and commitment to God to live in peace with the Romans and have their rights.
But the truth is the Roman of those days and the Neo Rome of our days will push each and every person to making decision of appeasement or anarchy. Those ruled by Rome for Five-Hundred Years could keep their religious beliefs, but they had to secede to Roman dominion; and when cult of the Césars. worship of Cesar as a god came; those people who were ruled had to make covenant through an offering of ashes and violate their religious beliefs. Eventually, every person will be tested in their tolerance; you will have to decide to offer or deny to offer homage and worship to the gods of this world (Mammon/god of money being one of them).
Our Lord said, "You can serve only one of two masters. You will love one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon." (Matthew 6:24). Jesus was making a point that you can be ruled by only one force at a time, either God or the gods (rulers) of this world. You have to decide, are you going to "submit to God," or to the Romes of this earth? Are you going to be comfortable with Rome or suffer with Christ? You can only serve one of two masters, not both. Decide today, "whom you shall serve." (Joshua 24:15).
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