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ISIS and ISIL: Imminent Threat?

ISIS, the Islamic State In Syria and ISIL, the Islamic State In Lebanon have become a military force to create the Islamic State or Caliphate in countries like Syria and Iraq, and eventually the whole world. ISIS and ISIL take the Quran literally. When it says, "kill the infidels.." (Surah 2:191, Surah 9:5, Surah 3:140-143), they obey. The response the US media has been to create a counter offensive to whip out this rising serpent in the Middle East. Even renowned Christian leaders and figures are calling for the annihilation of these people (ISIS/ISIL).

Interesting. The Church says, "turn the other cheek," and "love your enemies," when they censor and belittle you; but when it comes to Jihadi fighters, "kill them! God wills it!" The response isn't unwarranted. We can look back in history and see when Islam began to advance across the globe and how it sparked the campaigns known as the Crusades. An argument can be made to "take up the cross" once more and fight the Crescent as the Crusaders in 1095 to 1291 did. We can cite the Battle of Lepanto and the Battle of Malta as examples of how Christians can miraculously win against Islamic forces.

Yes, we can take up the sword once more; start a holy war or humanitarian response as we did in World War II. But will it change anything? The Holy Leagues who defeated the Ottoman Turks and the Crusaders before them who held Spain and swaths of land in Palestine did not prevent today's rise of ISIS and ISIL. Battles were won back then and today we are facing the same problem. The solution of using a bigger sword has not stopped genocide and hatred. It has in effect become part of propaganda that give breath to groups like ISIS.

When I look at ISIS/ISIL I do not see insidious, I see a light at the end of tunnel. For how is ISIS any different than the Roman Empire that persecuted, tortured, crucified, mutilated, and fed Christians to the lions for four-hundred years? How is ISIS/ISIL any different than the Apostle Paul who was Saul the Persecutor of the early Church? Paul even admitted his former disposition and said, "I persecuted the followers of this Way (Jesus, "The way, the Truth and the Life") to their death, arresting both men and women and throwing them into prison.." (Acts 22:4, cross refer Philippians 3:6).

St. Paul was the great persecutor of the early Church. He put to death Christians with great zeal, until finally on the Road of Damascus, Jesus spoke To Him, "He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?" "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked. "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied." (Acts 9:5, cross ref Acts 26:14, Acts 27:7).

We should be praying for ISIS/ISIL to have a Damascus experience! For these people to turn from being Sauls into Pauls! From putting Christians to death, to proclaiming the message of Christ Jesus! Our Lord commands us to do this, He said, "love your enemy, and pray for those who persecute you." (Matthew 5:44). I imagine Peter and early church prayed for Saul, and the fruit of their prayers was Saul becoming Paul who not only proclaimed the gospel with great authority, but wrote most of the New Testament! We should not be so proud and say of the people in ISIS/ISIL that they deserve death! We deserve death! We could be doomed to everlasting hell and judgment, but God in his mercy extended to us His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins and save us! (John 3:16-17).

I believe ISIS/ISIL has the potential to become Immanuel's Servants in Syria (ISIS) and Immanuel's Servants in Lebenon (ISIL). These men and women could be Sauls about to be Pauls. We need to pray that they have Damascus experience, that they see God's love and Trust in Christ to save them, not holy war. They deserve a chance to go to Damascus. If governments unite and kill them, then ISIS/ISIL will be denied the chance of redemption.

I am not saying we should not defend the church, rescue our brothers and sisters or that nations should fall to ISIS so as to not kill possible St. Pauls. No, I am saying that we as Christians need to be praying that ISIS and ISIL has the Damascus experience before its too late! That revival and the Spirit of God falls upon them and that the News Media can say in astonishment, "ISIS/ISIL has laid down its weapons. Its leaders and soldiers are now proclaiming a new message. A message of Jesus Christ and salvation for all who believe. What radical turn for radical Islamists to make."

Please pray for our enemies. It is what our Lord Jesus Christ said to do. Remember that those who are greatest threat to the church can become its greatest ambassadors.


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