The Medieval World was a very mystical and supernatural one. Their art coveys this in demon shaped gargoyles, Passion plays, and pilgrimages to holy places to get some holiness. Superstition was rampant as they saw their world as a nexus: the temporal where they fought flesh and blood, and the supernatural where they battled demons and evil spirits. At first glance our 21st Century might seem far apart from this period of mysticism, but the rise of interest in the occult and eastern religions has created a second coming of the Medieval spirit, along with that we are gravating to visual learning and information sharing over written text just as The Medieval people depended upon artwork, plays, statues, shrines, and sermons. The pulpit was once the YouTube channel, doors like Castle Church social media walls. There is so much about now that echoes The Middle Ages, even the surge of interest in exorcism and spiritual warfare, as demon slayers set up shop via Vlogs, and YouTube to teach how to become Van Hellsings.
There has even been yearning by some Evangelicals and autonomous churches (Non-denom, Inter-Denom) to return to authoritarian Christianity with bishops like The Pope, people crossing over to the Romanite and Byzantine (Eastern Orthodox) shores. Discoveries in church history have prompted this reverse reformation, as people miss & romanticize Christendom, and want to feel part of a larger unified body under a leader or leaders who have a long established history of primacy.
There is even a resurgence of Medieval music as Gregorian Chant has become one of many options to counter anxiety and stress, it in a list with Yoga, Pallaties, and etc.
It is interesting how we are heading back to the Medieval. It will suite the generations who prefer to be responsible for nothing, and never take ownership for their actions. They can like Medieval person point at the experts and say “I was mislead by misinformation!” Rather than read the sources, The Scriptures and stand before God and say, “I knew better, and did thus.”
I fear in time Scripture will be locked behind a wall of Digital Numbers just as it was held captive in Latin. That we who took for granted the God breathed words will find ourselves with only verses peppered in the mouths of the new priesthood who can post them out of context like the Medieval Priests quoted them out of context.
We are falling for the lie that “ignorance is bliss,” and prefer mystery cults like the Gnostics, Sons of Light, Free Masons, who make us have no accountability to the Lord because its all a mystery, rather than the plain and simple truth as seen in The Scriptures. We will give away our gains since The Reformation for resurrected Medievalism because we are lazy, and want someone else to interpret God’s words. We who once were champions of conscience and individualism, seeking to know for ourselves God’s texts now want the false peace of collectivism and letting others be our conscience; tuning into their videos. Like Adam and Eve who kept passing off the responsibility for their sins, we pass on our responsibility to know God and His Word to somebody else; rebuilding mediators so that if they are wrong we can blame them, rather than risk error that would make us be reproved, “” () and “disciple tjose I love.” (). Human nature never changes, we want to take the light of punishment and discomfort off ourselves, and so we will gladly sacrifice The Scriptures if it means we can blame someone else form misinterpreting them.
You may say such a day will never come! Too many love The Bible to let it be lost again. But do not underestimate the unrepentant and spirit of sloth in people these days. For many already go to church and use their Pastor like the Medieval priest to tell them what The Scriptures say, rather than open their Bibles to see they are misquoting it. Do not underestimate man’s capacity to seek comfort to the point of letting others do the work study Scripture and telling them what they learned. Sigh.
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