In past five years I have spent considerable time involved with many denominations ranging from Eastern Orthodoxy to Baptist. During my studies and time spent in these different circles I have come to a conclusion. There is peace in Protestantism. This is not a partisan post, or to shame Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox. I am merely pointing out the fact that after five years of even attending masses and a Orthodox vigil, after spending time in minds of Augustine of Hippo and Antony of Egypt , I have come to this conclusion. Right now there is exodus from Protestant churches to Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism. I have had two friends personally leave Evangelicalism for Catholicism, and recently Hank Hanegraaff the Bible Answer Man became Eastern Orthodox. I have talked about this trend, why young and old are flocking to the High Churches, I broke it down into the reasons like community, and reverence. However, from my own experience I discovered that these churches di...