The Crucifixion Icon and The Golden Calf Idol Are Icons idols? The question has been the center of debate in Orthodox Churches since the inclusion of images in worship during the Third and Fourth Centuries. What makes an image an idol? In the Old Testament the Lord God forbid making, "graven images of birds, fish, or of things of Heaven and the things of the Earth." (Exodus 20:4). The Lord tells Moses that "thou shalt not make for thyself an graven image (idol)." (Deuteronomy 5:8) Meanwhile at the base of Mount Sinai the Israelites are making the golden calf god (pictured above). This scene is dramatized in Cecile B. DeMille's epic, The Ten Commandments . It is from the First and Second Commandments of God that idols are condemned and it is those commandments that certain Christians use to condemn the use of icons in Churches. So the question must be posed, what differentiates an icon from an idol? How are they different? They both are an image. They ...