The Scriptures say, "without a vision the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18). We are living in world devoid of vision. People are being compelled to live mundane lives or to settle for less than the stars. The propaganda machines tell us to be content with the shadows of our dreams and to enjoy pleasure rather than purpose. This hypnotic music is from the One who led worship before his fall. God created us not to be slaves or stuck in perpetual limbo. God's will for us is an abundant life! (John 10:10). We all have passions and ambitions in our hearts; dreams that make us want to soar and reach the stars. But the enemy wants us to settle for the sky or worse never lift off in the first place. He wants the rocket of our soul to stand bound to the ground. The devil's message resounds, "you'll never make it, it is too hard, no one will listen, you cant change the world, and this is enough." These words hold many captive, but Christ wants us to be set free! Set free to follow out dreams! Do not let the devil convince you that what you desire is impossible or that you must settle for something less than what lies in your soul.
The enemy has beguiled so many believers into being satisfied with less than their dreams. He has infected the minds of men and women with a hopelessness and apathy unlike any in history. People are settling for neo-slavery. They toil for nothing but to exist and feed their lusts. They have bought the lie that they cannot reach the stars and that what burned inside them is no longer worth living for or fighting for, Satan has turned many into zombies. People are walking around with limp, reaching out for their plate of pleasure and groaning and moaning under the hardships. Even believers have become the undead because like their unbelieving walking corpses, they have lost their zeal and walk about like broken vessels.
It is time to reclaim our vision! To awaken those dreams and passion God has given each and everyone of us! Do not let the devil rob you of your zeal or tell you that you cannot do it! There is scripture that says, "as a man thinketh, so is he." (Proverbs 23:7). If you believe in Christ, the King of the Universe and in yourself you can achieve all of your dreams! If God is for you, how can be against you? (Romans 8:31). The Creator of all things is on our side and he will help you in the trials, tribulations, and tempests that try to take away your passion. Cling to Christ and chase the dream of your life! Do not settle for Satan's lies! Shake free of his shackles and sail as far as your Savior would have you go! If you have no vision, then ask the Most High to give you one! Do not be content with passivity! Beseech the Lord until he fills your heart and in process start working towards something. Go to college and start taking classes to narrow down your interests. Get a job if college at moment is unrealistic and save money so you can chase after the vision God gives you.
I know I am taking the risk of sounding like famous prosperity preachers, but the truth is that God placed us on this planet for a reason. It is to bring him glory, but there are also dreams he placed in our hearts. Visions that we are passionate about. Works we are to partner with Christ in doing in this world. We should not perish before our purpose is fulfilled. We should be proactive! We should push harder than ever to achieve what our King has placed before us! We are "co-heirs with Christ." (Romans 8:17). We are sons and daughters of the living God!. So who can stop us?! The answer, only ourselves. The only obstacle that can truly keep your dreams from happening or your calling from being met is you. No devil, circumstance, government, or person can stop you. So choose today to stop undermining yourself. Silence the Father of Lies and get up and go with God! You have the power to make it happen. The potential for your greatest passions and dreams to come true are already inside you. All you have to do is trust Jesus and just take a step of faith.
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