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What Has Happened To Star Wars?


 For most fans the writing on the wall for A Galaxy Far, Far, Away... was in The Last Jedi, when a hero of the franchise was turned into a disillusioned shell of what he became in The Expanded Universe (Legends). Even The Mandalorian Season 2 Finale and Book of Boba episodes, could not salvage Luke Skywalker from being desecrated by Disney. Since then we have had shows that have expressed a form of radical feminism. I want to be clear that you can write strong women and even have them be a focal point like Mara Jade Skywalker as The Emperor's Hand, and Aayala Secura. The issue is not women, it is an agenda to make men irrelevant and subservient. One of the reasons The Clone Wars series work was Anakin and Ahsoka were partners, Snips (Ahsoka) was not trying to overshadow the Chosen One, rather she added to his story and became her own unique beloved character, especially by Wrong Jedi did she sway me with that arch, it even answered why we did not know Ani had an apprentice by Revenge of the Sith. Well done Filoni, well done. However, The Ahoska series is not thus, in it Ahsoka even visually on the screen defeats Anakin to show her superiority in this Netherealm duel, the show is mostly women with Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, Hera, Morgana, and Shin Hati. The first three who are focal point as total girl bosses. All of this was foreseeable with Rey Palpatine-Skywalker, and Kathleen Kennedy saying, "The Force is female," well actually that becomes literal in The Acolyte, when the Twins turn out to have been created Brendok Witches by the dark side or dark magick  in the womb with no need for a man. This was the ultimate manifestation of radical feminism, that they do not even need a man. The Acolyte of course bombed and did not get renewed for a second season, however, Ahsoka will get a Season 2, Filoni Wills It! 

I want to make an distinction as clear as I can, there is strong women driven stories and then there is feminist propaganda. In the former is Sarah Connor from The Terminator franchise, Ellen Ripley in Alien films, Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, Mara Jade and Jaina Solo in Star Wars Expanded Universe, but in the ladder is The Acolyte, Furiosa, Scarlet Witch, Ocean's Nine, and many others that want to say, "anything you can do, I can do better," and are anti-patriarchal, or should I say anti-masculine, with the intent to say that men are useless, not needed, should be bossed around, and mistreated as a penance for all the eons women were property and did not have rights. It is essentially a sexism against men, and it is peppered in a lot of movies and shows these days, and now even there is real movements around it known as the 4B Movement urging young women to not have sex with men and breed

Jesus elevated women, he told a Samaritan Woman he was The Christ (John Chapter Four) and allowed her to preach in her village. Which was unheard of at that time in history! Strong Women are not a problem, there was Deborah who God raised up to defend Israel instead of Barak, and it was Joan of Arc God used to save France from avarice and greed of England. There is nothing wrong with this kind of feminism, the issue is the radical feminism that wants reprisals against men, to demonize, and treat Man as wicked, to be peed on, and made fun of. May I remind everyone, both of us, man and woman are made in God's Image, "So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." (Genesis 1:27). So when you mistreat either sex, demonize, make fun of, and try to undermine and ridicule, you are doing so to God's very Image!

I was re-watching The Kenobi series on Disney, and I noticed it had a gravitas, a well roundedness to it. The reason is that it had strong male characters as well as strong female ones. Leia in it is as child and is strong willed, and Reva too is a strong female Inquisitor who has a major arch, but the show did not feel like it was tearing down Kenobi or Vader, it found a way to balance the strong male and female characters. Ahsoka and The Acolyte in contrast are unbalanced, with only Thrawn and Baylan Skoll being the notable males in Ahsoka, though both of them are evil, there is Ezra Bridger but he does not appear till the last episodes. The Acolyte has men, but all of them are incompetent, save the villain Qimir and Master Sol, with the ladder having the larger arch and being killed off by one of Twins, yep gotta show a gal strangling a male Jedi to death, remember as Kennedy said, "The Force is Female!" It is this overstepping, this radical feminizing that has caused Star Wars to sink like the ships on Exegol. Even The Third Season of the Mandalorian made Bo Katan, a female Mandalorian, the leader and focal point, when they missed the opportunity to make her and Din Djarin like adoptive parents to Grogu (Babyoda) and making the dynamic real sweet, like a family show!

The most lauded series Disney made is Andor, which has male as the focus. Hmm.. wonder why its so successful? Because Disney's feminist radical fail to understand was George Lucas knew, like the Greek Myths, and our True Holy Bible, the hero's journey is usually about a son and him coming to terms with his Father. For Oedipus and Luke Skywalker it was traumatic, their fathers being their enemies. I am not saying do not tell the stories of daughters, we have the Books of Ruth and Esther in the Bible which have women as the focus, the problem is when you neglect to tell the stories of fathers and sons which are poignant and important to tell, just as telling the story of daughters and mothers, or daughters and fathers is. Disney has made a grave mistake, one can only hope they course correct on the hyperlanes before they smash into an asteroid of field; they already have lost many fans over The Sequel Trilogy and these radical TV shows. The way to save Star Wars is to go back, to look at what was successful in the Original Trilogy and The Prequels, in those you had strong women like Leia Organa, Padme Amidala, and in Expanded Universe we had Bastila Shan, and Darth Talon. I am not saying you cannot even make shows with them as a focus, I would love to see some of these strong women, more so than Ahsoka Tano, in a series. Though I am not holding my breath, unfortunately Darth Vader would find "my lack of faith disturbing," because we all knew when Disney made Canon vs Legends, instead of it all being part of Universe, with Expanded Universe for stuff that could end up in movies or not, that Disney was disrespecting the fandom, then The Sequels came to tear down The Skywalkers, making Luke a buffoon, and then Ahsoka made Anakin get powned by Ahsoka, which was distasteful. I am not saying she could not best The Chosen One in a duel, she being his apprentice would know a lot of his tricks, but it was clear in the scene Kennedy was shouting, "The Force is Female!" 

At this point I think Star Wars is about to end up like Admiral Holdo's Cruiser, and we fans will be stuck with holocrons of the Old Expanded Universe/ Legends, and the Trilogies that still understood what this Galaxy Far is really about, not political and sexist agendas, but about dysfunctional families, close friendships, and galatic level stakes decided on the edge of lightsabers. Amen.


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