David Dunn wrote and preforms a haunting song that says, "I wanna go back to Jesus Loves Me, for the Bible Tells me, for the Bible Tells Me So.." So often in our Christian walk we can as the song says "grow older and grow apart," that is apart from knowing Jesus personally, and instead know him intellectually through theology, doxology, and all the ologies. I am not saying knowing Sound Doctrine and Good Theology is bad, the problem is when we substitute it for the relationship with Christ. Sometimes we have to reset, to go back to where we were as the song says, which is actually Jesus' own words to one of the churches, "But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love me or each other as you did at first! Look how far you have fallen! Turn back to me and do the works you did at first." (Revelation 2:4-5).
Some of us this new year need to go back, to turn back to Christ in a personal way, and not be merely content with gnosis (knowing about) Him and get back to ginosko (knowing personally) Him. Such a urging is not a sign of failure, that somehow you have apostasized. No, it is like a marriage, when one is long married you can fall into the motions of work, raising kids, and etc; that you forget that passion you once had, and the relationship devolves into routine rather than a vibrant interpersonal connection. So what many counselors will tell you is go on dates, and do things you did at first when courting, to go back and remind each other why you fell in love, this is the same with Jesus who is the Bridegroom (John 3:29) and we are Bride of Christ (Revelation 19:7-9).
There is no shame in going back, in fact, if you are sensing it is time to return to how things were once with the LORD, that is a good indicator you are indeed perceptive of your relational state, and it is Holy Spirit guiding you to return to your First Love, rather than be content with religious repetition and routine. Jesus did not die to have us relate to him as some theory or text, He is Alive and lives in Us, and all one has to do is believe in Jesus Christ as Son of God and Lord, and speak with Him, worship Him, and spend time With Him. Just as you do with your family. Do not neglect this opportunity in the new year if you are feeling called to go back, to return to a passionate faith and relationship in Christ. Make no mistake though, trying to get right in your relationship with The Holy Trinity will not be without obstacles, its not like the devil wants you to get closer to Christ. Just as date night with a spouse can have everything and the kitchen sink coming against it, so will problems arise to derail you seeking The Lord and going back to that love you had at first. So if it feels like a battle, do not see that as a sign that you should give up or that something is wrong, like any relationship you fight for, there are obstructions and distractions. Stand firm, and keep going back to "Jesus Loves Me," let that be a mantra as you "Come Back to the Heart of Worship.. because its All About You, Its All About You, Jesus!" (Matt Redma). Amen.
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