The Lord God has chosen the most imperfect people to serve His perfect purposes. I have stated in posts before how Christ's greatest disciples had struggles, that Peter denied Him and Paul was murderer of Christians before he converted on Road to Damascus. The weaknesses and failings of the Lord Jesus Christ's greatest followers helps remind us that we don't have to be perfect to serve the LORD. That being said, every single one of them did not stay imperfect. The Apostle Paul was murderer, but he stopped murdering and spent His life suffering for the Messiah, and helping His people (total change, total turn from his sin, which is what repentance in Greek means, to turn from it, not just say sorry). The Apostle Peter did deny Jesus three times, but He repented and ended up preaching sermon that saved 3,000 souls. Each and every servant of Lord God Trinity did have failings, and weren't perfect, but they strived to change, to be more like Christ. Today, there are sl...