There are many Mary's in the Bible. There is Mary, Jesus' Mother, there is Mary Magdalene, There is Mary the Harlot, Mary the Wife of Clopas, Mary who is Martha and Lazarus' sister. Confused yet? Well that is why I have decided to dedicate this post as the Mary Memory post.
Let us start with Jesus' mother.
Mary: The Madonna, Holy Mother
Mary was Jesus' mother. When she was a young maiden and still a virgin (knew not any man, Joseph was her bethrothed, but Jews had a strict observance of abstinence tell marriage). When Mary was soon to marry Joseph, the Angel Gabriel appeared to her and told her, "You have found favor with God. You shall bare a son, and you shall call him Jesus (Yeshua), and He shall be the Son of God. To which Mary responded, "but I have not known any man (had sex)," and Gabriel responded, "The Power of the holy Spirit shall overshadow you and you shall conceive a Son." Mary responds, "I am the Lord's servant, may your word to me be fulfilled." (Luke 1-26-38). Mary having been told by Gabriel that her cousin Elizabeth is with child, goes visit Elizabeth and immeidatly John, who is in Elizabeths womb leaps and the two talk. Elizabeth says, "Blessed are you among women, blessed is the child you bare. But why am I so favored that the mother of my Lord should come to me? As soon as I heard your greeting, the child in my womb leapt for joy. Blessed is she who believed the Lord would fulfill his promises to her." To which Mary responded, " My soul glorifies the Lord! and my soul rejoices in God my savior. for he been mindful of the humble state of his servant. From now on all generations shall call me blesse, for the mighty one great things for me, holy is his name. He has preformed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud their innermost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things, but has sent the rich away empty. He has helped his servant Israel , remembering to be merciful." (Luke 1:40-55).
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for three months and then returned home to Nazareth where she tells Joseph what has happened. Joseph then in dream sees the Angel Gabriel who tells him to marry Mary and take the Son as his own. Mary then at full term must go with Joseph to Bethlehem due to the census by Cesar Augustus. There Mary gives birth to Jesus Christ, Immanuel (God with us). (Luke 2:1-20). Joseph has another dream and warning from angel about Herod's plan to kill Jesus and all the sons of Bethlehem. Mary then goes to Egypt for ten years. Mary is not seen again until Jesus' Ministry in the Gospels, She is the one who tells Jesus to begin the Miracle phase of his ministry, Jesus says, "Woman what does that have to do with us? It is not my time." and Mary says, "whatever He says to do, do it.." (John 2:1-11). What happens next is that Jesus turns the jugs or water pots of water into wine. Mary changes Jesus' mind by getting the a sense or word from Holy Spirit and the first Miracle of the Multiplication of the Wine at the Wedding in Cana takes place. Mary appears again in Luke 4, where she arrives with some of her other children (here Catholics and Orthodoxy differ; Catholics believe Jesus' siblings were form Joseph and previous marriage, Joseph being old and widow, but Protestants believe that Joseph and Mary after Jesus is born have children together.
Mary is seen next at the Crucifixion, where she and many of the other Mary's are present to see Jesus die on the cross. (John 19:25). Mary is also likely the one who went with Mary (Martha's sister) to the Tomb. But this is confusing, because Mary Magdalene, Mary the Harlot, and Mary The Seven Demons lady get mixed into one. Next Jesus said on the cross to Mary his mother and his Disciple John, "Mother behold your son, John behold your mother." (John 19:26-27). This was Jesus telling his beloved disciple to take care of his mother which is confirmed by the word, "From that hour the disciple took her into his household." (verse 27). The last we hear of Jesus' mother is not from Scripture, but historical writings. According to historical records, Mary is last seen with St. John after John is set free from the island of Patmos. They are last seen at Ephesus.
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Mother Mary and Jesus (Catholic) |
The Virgin Mary is major part of theology for all Christians. For Catholics she is the "Second Eve, the one who undid Eve's sin by obeying the Word of the Lord, and thus ushering Salvation via Jesus Christ." (Catholicism: Journey to the Heart of Faith, Robert Barron). Catholics ascribe co-Redeemer to Mary and see her in most godlike manner. Mary's prominence in the Catholic Church is due to the Cult of Virgin Mary in the Middle Ages, appearances of Mary around the world such as "Mary Guadlope," "Lady Fatima," "Lady of Vladimir," and many more. In some circles Mary is 'Queen of Heaven," and consider equal to Jesus Christ and worth praying to more! While I understand the concept of the Catholic Second Eve, I do not agree with deifying Mary. Instead I ascribe to the Eastern Orthodox view of Mary which is, "That she was woman of great virtue, not sinless, but the one who obeyed the Lord and suffered great persecution, ridicule, loss of friendships, loss of family, loss of money. She raised the Lord, a daunting task, with great humility. She is a great example for all women and men alike." (Orthodoxy). The Orthodox venerated and honor Mary, but they do not worship her; some pray to her, but she is not seen as Savior.
Protestants tend to diminish Mary's role and consider her merely a woman out of many who God chose to be the mother of Jesus. They respect her role and relationship in the divine plan to save mankind, but she is not revered or venerated. Unfortunately, during the Reformation (1640-1670) many Protestants decided to reject Mary altogether because of her association with Catholic Church; for in many ways she is symbol of the Catholic Church and barely eclipsed by the Crucifix. I understand the Protestants wanting to reject viewing Mary as god, for I too disagree with this form of veneration, she is not the Savior, she is not God. But to treat her like something evil and to be fear ever mentioning her is also another harmful extreme. I think the Orthodox have it right, she deserves admiration and her virtue of obedience and suffering to be noticed, but she is no co-Redeemer (Theokosis) or a deity.
Mary Magdalene
Perhaps the most misunderstood and misrepresented saint. Mary Magdalene is confused with Mary the Harlot. Mary was from Magdala, and very rich women. She supported Jesus' ministry and is the woman who had seven demons: "The Twelve were with him (Jesus), and also some women who had been healed (delivered) of evil spirits and sicknesses Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out." (Luke 8:2). The Magdalene was also present as Jesus Crucifixion, "Among them was Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of James and Joseph, and the mother of Zebedee sons (Disciples James and John)." (Matthew 27:56, John 19:25). Mary Magdalene was the first person Jesus appeared to, "When Jesus rose on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had caste out seven demons," (Mark 16:9, John 20:1-18 for the full account which includes Mary Magdalene crying and Jesus saying, "woman, why are you crying?")
It is evident that Mary Magdalene was disciple of Jesus. She is the first the Risen Christ appears to and then later reappears to when the disciples come and see the angels instead. Its interesting that the Lord Jesus choose to appear to a woman first, perhaps denoting that just as Mary, Mother of Jesus was to be part of the work of being God into the world, another woman would be first witness to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is clear that Mary Magdalene is not Mary, Martha's sister. Mary and Martha lived in Bethany, which is on the other side of Mount Olivet (The Mountain of Olives) that faces Jerusalem. Mary Magdalene was from Magdal, a province in Galilee. In those days people were often identified by where they were born or lived. Example, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus the Galilean, and Jesus the Nazarene.
Mary: Martha and Lazarus' Sister
Perhaps the closest Mary to Jesus next to his mother and an unofficial disciple, was Mary, Lazarus' sister. This Mary is mentioned twice, once when Jesus visit's her and Martha, where it says, "Mary sat at Jesus' feet and listened to his teaching, while Matha in the kitchen was cooking and became indignant. Martha complains and says, "I am cooking n the kitchen and Mary won't help me. to which Jesus responds, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed, or indeed only one, and Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:38-42). Because I am familiar with Jewish terminology from the time of Jesus, I know that to "sit at someone's feet," especially a Rabbi, which Jesus was Rabbi (Teacher) meant to be discipled.
The reason Martha's Sister probably didn't get to be the Thirteenth Disciple is that in Jewish Culture and in that time women were not allowed to be disciples or teachers. Jewish Culture subjugated women, a rabbi wasn't even suppose to be seen with woman; in fact if a woman was on one side of the road, the rabbi had to cross over to the other side (Rabbinical Teaching, Talmud). Jesus in contrast meets with Mary in her house, teaches her and makes her disciple! Additionally, Jesus talked to the women at the well (John 4:4-42), which was not acceptable according to the religious rulers of the day! Jesus lifted women up, as He said, "I am restoring all things." (Acts 3:21). Jesus was restoring women back to equals with man, as it was in Eden with Adam and Eve before the Fall (when Adam and Eve ate the Forbidden Fruit of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, disobeying God and opening the world to Sin/wickedness). Thus Mary, Martha's Sister was the first woman to be raised back up to Eve's former status of equal before men.
Mary, Martha's sister is also the one whom anointed Jesus' head and feet: "So they made him supper there, Martha was serving, Lazarus was reclining at the table with Jesus. Mary then took a pound of Spikenard and anointed the feet of Jesus, using her hair to wipe his feet. But Judas Iscariot, the one who would betray Jesus, said, "This perfume could have sold for 300 denarii (a year's wages) and given to the poor." But Jesus rebuked the household who objected by saying, "Why are you bother this woman? She has a beautiful thing to me. The poor you will have with you always, but you will not always have me. When she poured this perfume on me she was preparing my body for burial. Truly I tell you, wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will be told in memory of her." (John 13:3, Mark 14:3, and Matthew 26:10-13).
Mary the Harlot
This is the Mary that Catholics for almost 600yrs have believed is Mary Magadlene. She is an obscure women, who apparently protitiused herself to make money. According to extra-Biblical texts, she was high society harlot, meaning she had sex with wealthy and artistocratic men. It is believed this is women who was brought before Jesus by religious leaders. Here is the Scripture, "The religious leaders brough a women caught in act of aduletery and sought a way to trap him. One of them said, "teacher, tell us, what is to become of this woman caught in adulutery? According to the Lawo Moses she is t obe stoned. To which Jesus wrote something in the sand (believed to be the man's name, for in Mosaic Law both the man and woman are to be stoned, and it is believed the man was Sadducee or Pharisee of renown that these religious men were trying to protect) and then Jesus said, "he who is without sin, caste the first stone. To which the religious leaders dropped their sotnes and walked away. Then Jesus touching the woman said, "does anyone accuse you? To which she responds, "no, my Lord." Jesus then says, "Then go and sin no more." (John 8:1-11). Catholics and Protestants disagree on this Mary being different Magdalene. Many Catholics believe this Mary this is Mary as Magdalene. The reason I separate her, is that there is great confusion over the identity Mary the Harlot. It should be noted that Harlot is different than Prostitute. A Harlot is a high society prostitute that sleeps with aristocrats, rulers, and even clerics. So this Mary, who is the harlot was high society woman, much like the Geisha was in Japan. Perhaps this is why there is connecting to Magdalene who was wealthy and that assumption being that she was wealthy because she is the Harlot.
Mary Wife of Clopas
There is another Mary mentioned, who is the Wife of Clopas. She is as the Crucifixion: "Near the cross of Jesus stood His Mother, his mother's sister, Mary Wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene" (John 19:25). It is unclear who this really is, she is believed to be among the women at the Tomb of Jesus and who witnesses the Resurrection. Hegesippus, a chronicler of the Church who lived during 110-180 A.D. believed Mary Clopas was the sister of St. Joseph, Jesus' step father and husband of Mary the Mother of Jesus. Matthew 28:1 distinguishes her from Magdalene by calling her, "The other Mary," while Mark 16:1 labels her "Mary, Mother of James (The Lesser)." However, if you read John 19:15, Mary Clopas appears right after "My mother's sister," which indicates that she could be a sister to Mother Mary, Jesus Christ's mother. In the Gospel of Luke Chapter 24, Jesus appears to two men on the road to Damascus, one of whom is called "Clopas," who could possibly be the husband of Mary Clopas.
There are many Mary's and now I hope you may understand or distinguish some of them. The reason there were so many women with the same name is that is was a common name of the time. Just like John and Simon were common names. In fact the Gospel of Mark is really the Gospel of John Mark. It is my desire that these women be acknowledge for their virtue nad faithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of them supported Jesus' ministry fianically and with support via their presence at his teaching, testimony, death, and Resurrection. While none of them should be prayed to or worshipped, they are women of faith that will never be forgotten and that oneday we shall get to meet in heaven.
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