Ash Wednesday begins next week. Soon Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday will be here. Not all denominations celebrate Good Friday and many have resorted to secular observances of Resurrection Day by displaying bunnies, chocolates, and eggs. It is a shame that among many saints the most important acts Christ did to assure us of salvation are downplayed and instead the holiday of Eastre or Easter is celebrated!
While I do not see any harm in letting little children enjoy hunting for eggs. It is a wasted opportunity to teach the next generation about Jesus' sacrifice on the cross and His Resurrection from the dead. Instead children are told another fairytale about a creature that does not exist called the Easter Bunny, when they could be learning about the true God Emmanuel's excruciating journey to earn us Eternal Life!
The pattern of putting aside piety for pleasure is nothing new. Many holidays which are steeped in Christian tradition have been assimulated and overthrown by secularism, paganism, and humanism. St. Valentine's Day was just celebrated last Saturday. St. Valentine married couples in secret so they would not sin and explore their lusts as many people today do without marriage. But the holiday of Valentine's Day has become about carnal love and hooking up, rather than honoring the sanctity of marriage and even encouraging it as the founder or source of the holiday did in his lifetime. St. Patrick is another example; he drove out the serpents (fallen angels and demons) from Ireland, but his honorary holiday is not about drinking spirits (alcohol) and consequently invoking demonic spirits who come to the drunken like Baccheus and Silnus.
While it may be forgiven by non-Catholics to not strictly observe two holidays about saints. It should be an obligation for all Christians, no matter their church, denomination, or doctrine to honor Jesus Christ, their Lord and Savior! Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday are two days to reflect, remember, and realize the Love of God manifest in Christ! Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday are a chance for us Christians to meditate on what the Lord did and to give thanks! In my opinion Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday should be just as important as Christmas! For on Christmas Jesus came into the world, but on Good Friday He died for our sins on the Cross and on Resurrection Day sealed our fate in eternity if we believe in Him!
I am not calling for a strict observance of these holidays or that you must now go to Ashe Wednesday Service. But I do ask this, you make time for Christmas, you make time for the Super Bowl, why then can you not honor, remember, and celebrate Jesus Christ's death on the cross and Resurrection from the dead?! Now you may not want to attend a service like Good Friday, but you can honor the day in your own way! With a prayer, reading one of the Gospel Chapters on the Crucifixion and Resurrection, and most importantly connecting with Jesus Christ!
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