"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there is just something about that name. Master, Savior, Jesus, let all heaven and earth proclaim! Kings and kingdoms may pass away, but there is something about that name."
Jesus was not just a carpenter, He is the Christ. Jesus was God made flesh, come to save sinners from everlasting death. Jesus is the Son of God and Messiah; He is the Alpha and Omega. Jesus and Jehovah (The Father) are One (essence) and The Holy Spirit proceeds from them both (John 14:26). Jesus is both Savior and Judge; He is full of mercy and justice. There is no one like Him and His impact ripples through the ages until His Return.
A world without Jesus is dark like that night of His Birth in Bethlehem. It that dark hour of history, when Rome ruled the world and the oppression of the Cesar in full force, a tender and loving God came into the world the same way we did. That moment forever altered this world. God came to us, he humbled himself and became as meek as child. What other gods have ever done thus? Did Zeus ever take human form to liberate the Greeks from their wickedness' and give them the way of eternal life? No, he did not. Did Saturn ever relinquish his power and authority to come and be weak like a child so as to understand the plight of man and be able to intercede for his weakness? No, Saturn did not. Did Odin roam the Earth to heal the blind, lame, and resurrect the dead? No, he did not. There is only One who came to liberate man from eternal death. There is only One who came to understand the plight of man and be afflicted so as to understand man's suffering and intercede for mankind. And there is only one who came to heal the blind, lame, and resurrect the dead. His name is Jesus Christ!
Jesus is not a philosopher or theologian; though many Christian scholars have endeavored to paint him as thus to satisfy atheists in arguments. Jesus is not just a prophet and man who lived in 30 A.D. like the historians claim. Jesus is God. He is the Almighty Creator of all things and Savior of Humankind!
Jesus is not a character in a story or part of tradition people cling to like Santa Claus. He is Alive! He dwells in the hearts of the faithful followers and he manifests daily in the world that has become so blind to seeing Him. He is not delusion, He is the Deliverer! He is the promised King! He is the Son of Adam and Son of David (on both Mary and Joseph's side, although more importantly He is God! His D.N.A. Divine Nature of the Almighty!).
Jesus Christ is real. He is with those who believe: trust and follow him daily. He is all loving and caring. He does not want us to stay the same; no he wants us to be transformed from our sinful self into His nature! Jesus is the sweetest name to hear. For there is power in His name! Jesus can rebuke demons, heal the sick, resurrect the dead, and more! But even more important than what He can do is what He did do. Jesus died an excruciating death on a cross after being scourged by a flail (chain) weapon called the Cat of Nine Tails. The real description of Jesus is that after his flogging, he did not appear like a man but like hamburger. He was mutilated by the beating to having no appearance of human! And why did He do this? Because He so loved you and every person that has existed and will exist! Yes, Jesus loved all men and women so much he died the worst death in existence! He not only was beaten by chain-like mace weapons and nailed to a cross, he essentially suffocated to death! That's how crucifixion works! He was even given a foot stand so he would take longer to suffocate.
So when people say the don't want to love Jesus back, I think "then you are really toxic." If someone after learning that God so loved them He died for all their evil deeds that would damn them to hell because He loved them and all they have to do in return is believe in Him and follow him decides to reject Him still, I say that is sick and a sign of a soul already bound for hell! (John 3:18).
My words may be harsh, but all the false gods of stone, philosophy, pleasure, and son on have people doing all this work to cover their misdeeds and to make them worthy. Jesus in stark contrast makes us worthy by His Death and instead of being on a endless treadmill, we get to trust in Christ for our salvation!
What Jesus did for us is the greatest gift God could ever give. And yet we often forget and many reject it altogether for the trifles and trinkets of this world. Rather than "store up riches in heaven," people choose to store up "things of this world which erode and turn to dust." (John 6). We should protect this precious gift from God! We should covet our connection with Christ! We as Christians should want Him more and more tell everything else pales in comparison! We should lay aside anything that would come between our relationship with Christ. For the gift of Jesus' love and His Salvation is more important than anything this world has to offer!
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