There is a very disturbing verse in Revelation. Christ while addressing those who claim to be his own says, "Because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth." (Revelation 3:16). Are you lukewarm? In an age when blending theologies and philosophies is popular, it can be tempting to accept other beliefs in addition to those of orthodoxy.
Today there is a sect of Christians who behave as if Christ is still in the tomb. They treat their faith as mere ritual. They compare it to the perspectives of other religions. There is no life or zeal in them. They go to church because it's tradition. There is no fruit in their lives. They don't seek the Most High to know him; they seek him because they are told to. This spiritual apathy is infecting the Body of Christ. I'm discovering more and more Christians think of their faith as a philosophy or theory. This is now how the Apostles wanted us to pass on the Gospel! There is suppose to be zeal in our hearts! Passion and desire! We must let Christ flow from our own soul and into others! Christ "has risen!" (Matt 28:6). We must stop talking about him like He's still barred in the grave.
Lukewarm Christianity has existed since the Early Church. Paul had to confront and chastise many Greek believers in his letters (Romans, Ephesians, 1 and 2 Corthians) because they were living a "double life." You can't serve Christ and the world. You can't sit on the fence and expect to move in power and anointing. You either submit to God, and love him "with all your heart, soul, and mind," (Luke 10:27) or you sell out to the devil and this world. Jesus said, "You can serve one of two masters, you will love one and hate the other. You can either serve God or Mammon." (Matt 6:24).
We don't like to preach in Church that you must become a zealot or bond slave of Christ. A more passive and relaxed faith is appealing. One that doesn't challenge us or make us feel uncomfortable. We don't want to hear that following Christ requires suffering and tribulations. We want to the humanist pleasures, not a burdensome cross.
You can take the broader road. You can decide to believe in Christ and live your life on your terms. You can reject the doctrine of giving your all to serve the King of the Universe, and instead enjoy your selfish desires. However, there will be a price to pay. Consequences you cannot evade. You run the risk in humanism and not taking God seriously of being accounted as one of the lukewarm. In that hour you will feel great anguish and it will be too late. Don't walk on the fence, the Devil owns it. Instead, ask Christ for the zeal and passion to serve him with an undivided heart. Dare to be bold, to share the Gospel with the world. Let sinners see the love of Christ pouring out of you. Show this world that Jesus is alive! Live the Resurrection life! Be an ambassador and establish His Kingdom here on earth.
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