At this time people seem to be longing for the past. Movies and shows are now predominately taking place in the Tudor, Victorian, and Edwardian periods. Shows like "Wolf Hall" (2015), "Victoria" (2016-2017), and many more have been all the rage. Why is it that people are drawn to past? Perhaps it is because of sheer chaos, confusion, and convolusion of our times. The antichrists are trying to do everything to erase Emmanuel's words in society, Prince Harry and Markel have gotten special dispensation to marry, even though Markel is divorcee, well Jesus said not to marry those who divorced, "And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery." (Mark 10:12). Christian blogger Mom has married Abby, a female soccer player, and the pressure to conform the Bible to modern tastes, culture, and values is increasing with every day. Many in this seemingly upside down world want to escape somewhere where values are set in stone, and people had simpler motives, and political correctness didn't reign. It is ironic that modesty and covering up as in case of "Victoria" (2016) and other period pieces from Masterpiece Theater is becoming more popular than all the modern shows and propagandic films.
The desire to escape from the chaos of this world is nothing new. In fact, all that is happening now isn't anything knew, as King Solomon said, "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new." (Ecclesiastes 1:9). We in twenty first century are not the only ones who have endeavored to escape our time period for a while. King Henry VIII and his court escaped their times by having tournies and jousting in Medieval armor. Looking backward has been a device for many generations, who unable to cope with their day and age, or perhaps disappointed in the changes crave a time where they could have lived in peace. While it is alarming how the Liberal and antichrist agenda has sought to confuse people by changing gender from male and female to sixty eight genders, from marriage between a man and woman, to marriage between same sex partners, something the Apostle Paul has some strong words about (Romans 1:21-30). But the truth is none of this is really new. Romans and Greeks had orgies, Cesar's and emperors had pedophilia and often had male prostitutes. We worry today about our words being taken out of context, and someone or some group taking us to cleaners, and being silenced, well look to the time of Henry VIII, if you displeased him you were taken to chopping block, just ask Ann Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell (don't literally ask, I was using rhetorical device). In the time of Jesus Himself, the religious leaders couldn't tolerate the Truth (John 14:6) and so they devised to destroy Him, and even Pontius Pilate noticed the reasons, "For he knew it was out of self-interest that they had handed Jesus over to him./For he knew it was out of envy that they had handed Jesus over." (Matthew 27:18) The Romans if you were perceived to be a dissident would fix you to cross with nails, and you died by affixation, or tied you to dead corpses and maggots ate you, and we worry about political correctness? At least we aren't being eaten by maggots!
The truth is that our times are no different than those former times (the exception being if we are in last days). The depravity, the confusion, chaos, and insanity of today is not dissimilar to elder days. The thin skinned problem of today was then, only back then they employed swords to dispatch those they disagree with, today they use words on forums, news comments, and social media. The difference is our access to the chaos is unprecedented. There has always been murderers, monsters, major confusion, and evil, the difference is we have access to knowing about it. If the Man of Lawlessness rises (2 Thessalonians 2:1-11) then we can consider this age different than the ones before, but until antichrist rises and the End of Days is officially set in stone, we must treat the current situation in the world with prayer, and seek our Lord Jesus' wisdom (Colossians 2:2-3). Do not despair, but instead keep your eyes fixed on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2), and remember that all abominations have been before (Romans 1:21-30). Our duty is to not be corrupted by the abominations, evils, and darkness of our times, but instead to be a light of Christ in a dark world. We are to be different, to be disciples of Jesus Christ who do not participate in the worldly evils that Paul and Christ confront (Galatians 5:19-22, Revelation 21:8). So do not give in to sinful agendas being presented, but also do not despair, this is nothing new.
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