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Apple inc. Logo. |
I once wrote about the N Generation. A generation that was full of narcissism. I have decided to revisit that topic, but under a new terminology. I owe the title and term to my father, who said, "this is the I Generation or iGeneration, they think only about themselves." The Bible explicitly says, "that in those days, people will become lovers of self." (2 Timothy 3:2). But there is a more startling revelation behind the word "I or i."
Upon writing this blog post it was announced that Apple has revealed their latest gadgets, the iPhone 6 & iPhone 6 Plus. Apple has become a giant in the technological world. Their phones, tablets, and even computers are the most sought after. It is interesting that the terminology I want to talk about is at the core of the apple if you will. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, was once a Christian. I say once, because he abandoned the Faith and became a drug addict and then later the founder of Apple inc. Before I go on, let me share that I do own Apple products and enjoy them immensely. I love the Bible apps. The aesthetics of the iPhone are brilliant and appealing. But I do not care for the logo or symbol of the Apple Company. Originally, Steve had the apple hanging from a tree. The image was straight out of Genesis, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and the forbidden fruit having been bitten and thus the symbol of man's rebellion towards God. What fitting symbol for Steve Jobs' products, that he who rebelled against the Faith, would create a technological empire with the seal of sin.
This is where the i terminology comes in. We know that when Satan, the serpent in the garden who deceived Adam and Eve and enticed them to eat the forbidden fruit (Apple logo) first fell from heaven in a war with God's elite angels. It says in Revelation that Michael, the Archangel defeated Satan or the Dragon in a war in heaven. (Revelation 12:7). But what was the root of Lucifer's fall? What were his motives? Well it says in the Book of Isaiah that Satan fell because of Five Is or I Wills. Here they are:
"I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God,
I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will be like the Most High." (Isaiah 14:13).
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Original Apple Logo with Newton |
Satan sinned because he wanted to be God. He wanted to rule over the stars (angels), over the congregation (humans), and to rule upon God's throne itself in the clouds. Satan started the idea of I or I will; individualism was born! Thus we can trace this idea of I to the new iGeneration. It is Satanic. To be i centered instead of Christ centered which makes us other centered means that we are saying the same as Satan, "I will.. be comfortable, have what I want, sit upon my throne at my job or intellectual seat or Church position." The only one who is free to say I with impunity is God himself, who's name is "I AM that I AM." Satan using the I word was to denote that he wanted to be God. He replaced Am with Will. Because he did not want God to be sovereign.
This is very important to understand, for we can see a culture of I or I Will. Everything is self focused instead of community or collectivist. People do not recite Spock, "the needs of many out way the needs of the few." Rather it is backwards and people are now wanting to sacrifice the needs of many to fulfill their selfish needs for comfort, gratification, and esteem. The word I is a very dangerous word, because it is selfish and self seeking. Apple's devices are but a symptom or byproduct of this ideology of I. People now spend their time looking on their iPhone or iPad, than relating to other people. If someone fell down and was having a heart attack, one wonders if those glued to their iPhones or iDevices would even notice save for the sound. Even then they may be too engrossed in their iLife to respond.
Again, I am not trying to impugn Apple. I have some of their products, I am using iPhone and the other devices as a parable or prop for the greater problem in the human soul. As Christians we need to have our focus on Jesus and our neighbor. The commandments say, "love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. The other is like this, love your neighbor as yourself." (Luke 10:27, Mark 12:30-31). How can we even focus on God or other people if we are spending so much time fixated on ourselves? Is individuality evil? No. We all have different personalities and unique perspectives. God made us diverse and that is good. But the moment we start seeking the I, are own self over others and God, we have joined Satan's ranks in the quest to please ourselves and ignore our calling.
So beware of the I Will in yourself! Seek instead God's Will on Earth as it is in Heaven! (Matthew 6:10). Do not become part of the iGeneration, but instead be part of Body of Christ! Do not let the devil deceive you into becoming a seeker of self. Instead, seek the Lord and use those unique gifts, abilities, thoughts, and ideas to spread the Light of Christ in this world.
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