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Showing posts from October, 2013

The Disrespect of Christianity in the Entertainment Industry

Sonic 2 I have written many blog posts about the insidious truth about some of the most beloved franchises. The Truth of The Lord of the Rings, Narnia, and Star Wars comes to mind. Having reflected on the famous shows, films, and video games I have been involved in. There is a common theme of disrespect towards Christ and Christianity. Let me give you exhibit A: Sonic the Hedgehog. In Sonic The Hedgehog 2 for the SEGA Genesis and subsequent installments, the Blue Blur can run across water. For children this is affirmation that Sonic is a superhero and that he can run so fast that he merely glides across the surface of water. What this does subconsciously however, is downplay Christ walking on water. It creates in young children's minds the concept that running across water is more amazing and action packed than Jesus walking on the water. It in subtle way makes young people think they Sonic can do something more spectacular than the Son of God! To even drive home the point, Son...

All Hallow's Eve: All Hell's Evening

  Halloween is the most morbid and morose holiday. It celebrates death and demonic imagery. Children are compelled to dress up as witches, skeletons, beasts, and other macabre beings. To my astonishment many Christians find no problem with celebrating All Hollow's Eve. In fact, it is considered to be benign to most believers. However, the origins of Halloween date back to the Druids, a paganistic people who did human sacrifice. The Druids on All Hollow's Eve would go from door to door to pick up sacrifices in form of sons and daughters. They would leave a pumpkin or Jack-o-latern lit with human fat inside! This is the most extreme and disturbing history of Halloween, but there are other traditions. ( ) One wicked tradition is within the Church itself! In Mexico, children on "All Hallows Eve, the children make a children's altar to invite the angelitos (spirits of dead children) to come back for a visit." ( ...

Reaching Your Dreams

    The Scriptures say, "without a vision the people perish." (Proverbs 29:18). We are living in world devoid of vision. People are being compelled to live mundane lives or to settle for less than the stars. The propaganda machines tell us to be content with the shadows of our dreams and to enjoy pleasure rather than purpose. This hypnotic music is from the One who led worship before his fall. God created us not to be slaves or stuck in perpetual limbo. God's will for us is an abundant life! (John 10:10). We all have passions and ambitions in our hearts; dreams that make us want to soar and reach the stars. But the enemy wants us to settle for the sky or worse never lift off in the first place. He wants the rocket of our soul to stand bound to the ground. The devil's message resounds, "you'll never make it, it is too hard, no one will listen, you cant change the world, and this is enough." These words hold many captive, but Christ wants us to be...

Skyfall: The Sights

  There is something about spies. About agents who do battle undercover and across countries. Espionage films have always had a following and the most successful franchise is without a doubt Ian Fleming's 007: James Bond. For over 50 years Bond has captivated audiences. Many actors have coveted the role of this flawed but great example of "British fortitude". The most memorable are Sean Connery , Roger Moore , and Pierce Brosnan . Connery conveyed the stout yet strong willed side of Fleming's fictional hero. Mr. Moore captured the Casanova side of 007. Pierce Brosnan brought out the debonair and charming side of Bond. Then enter Daniel Craig, who portrays 007 in a multitude of different shades. Craig is compelling to watch because his Bond is a mix of the former masters. Craig has the charm, the wit, the boldness, and mettle that makes Bond a beloved character. Craig also brings his own unique complexity to the 007 character who acts as...

Christ's Crucifixion Collection

Artwork has long been an expression of religious ideas, beliefs, and inspiration. Artists from every age has recreated the events of the Bible and depicted them with creativity, color, and care. I have chosen pieces regarding the Crucifixo or Crucifixion of Christ. It is beyond my ability to display every promenant and obscure work. The Crucifixion has been painted by so many people and in so many periods of history that it would likely be impossible to find them all and even contain them on a computer.  This painting conveys the early history of Christianity, when it was sacreligious to show Christ's face. What is compelling about this piece is that it looks ancient, but very well could have been painted recently on plastarded wall. The fact that Jesus' face is not distinqusihable means that anyone can look at this image and imagine how they see the Lord. It is not personal and does not denoate a certain ethnic or tribe. His hair is an orange which is intriguing because J...

Have You Forgotten About Me?

The painting above is an analogy of the Church today. You can see Christ in His Passion, and below him is presumably Mary, The Mother of our Lord or Mary Magdalene at his feet. The rest of the crowd is caught up in their own socializing. They seem to have forgotten that their savior is on the cross. This is the state of the American Church and many Churches around the world. Attending Church has become more about networking and business than it is about celebrating Christ and building up one another in faith. The diverse people in painting above depict different people who gather at or around the Church today. You have the king (President or CEO) to the right who is conversing with a scholar or philosopher of the world. To left of king is man with a spear and he has no halo. He represents the skeptical scientists today who probe and want to disprove True religion. Finally you have four people in view who have halos around their heads. The ...

Being One

The Church is so fragmented. We are divided by denominations, doctrines, and different dioceses. We have split into different schools of thought and remain contentious because of diverse perceptions. I could write and argue how this divisiveness is only giving the devil glee and that we need to unify especially now when the world is starting a new persecution against the saints; but rather than try to sway with my rhetoric and my passion, I shall share my picture above and the words of Christ himself. This is what Jesus Christ, the Living Son of God and Savior to all Christians who believe said on the subject of oneness and what He and the Father desired for the Church.   The Gospel of John: Chapter 17, Verses 17-26 (New International Version)   Jesus Prays for His Disciples   6 “ I have revealed you to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. 7 Now they know that ...

Non-Linear Theory of Christianity

WARNING : CONTROVERISAL THEOLOGY This blog post contains a view that is controversial and will require an open mind to consider or condemn. It is not an attack on orthodoxy or a rising heresy, it is another way of looking at our world, our faith, and our times. -Jeffrey Gassler Most of us are taught the Square or Linear view of the Church. The Bible and subsequent events that have led up to our time are on a diagram. Genesis is at the beginning and Revelation at the end. This kind of thinking is Greco-Roman and it is the atypical way to look at the Bible. However, the problem is that this view is bound by the fourth dimension: time. God: The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit are not in time. So this raises a very interesting question. In most Protestant and Reformed Churches Jesus Christ has been crucified. He is no longer on the cross, he made perptiation for out sins and is now Risen and at the Father's right hand. This is true, it is orthodoxy. However, there is...

Pseudo-Victimization: The Vile Viral View

  Originally a victim was an innocent person who was assailed, harmed, and even slain in a heinous act or catrophe. Those who survived are also  victims who must endeavor to cope with their loss and the tragedy. Now there is a pseudo-victimization.  Pseudo-victims are people cling to the tragedy not because of their mourning, but because it has become their identity. They have gained greater attention and now manipulate people to show them pity and listen to their sob story for seventeenth or seven hundredth time. This victim is on the lower side of pseudo-victimization. They have a ligitament loss to lament; but they linger long beyond what is healthy and turn what should have been a mourning process into a manipulative one. Then there is the pseudo-victim who finds every opportunity to play the martry. They teach their children to behave like victims. If a child is accidently hit by a soccor ball in the field or trips, it is automantically a malicious act against th...

Follybook: The Social Networking of Scandal

I have been facebook user since 2008. I found social media to be quite a thrill, having never been a myspace user or twitter user. Facebook offered me the freedom to keep in contact with my friends all over the country; and even around the world. However, despite the benefits, facebook has some major detractors. The most evident to me is motives. Originally when people took pictures of themselves and family or places; these pictures were placed in a scrapbook and kept to enjoy within the bounds of family and close friends. Now these precious snapshots of people's lives are being posted on facebook profiles. It is even become systemic that people are taking pictures so they can share them on facebook; making it more of an event or spectacle to brag about or update their circles on the bliss they are enjoying. This vanity spreads as the purpose for taking pictures is to share them via post on any of the social networks. The desire to capture a memory becomes more about "sta...

Extra Biblical Proof of Jesus Christ!

I have begun reading a astounding history of the Church by Eusebius . Let me first state that for those that should purchase Eusebius' The History of the Church be forewarned that Eusebius followed the teachings of Origen. Origen had Arian-like Christian beliefs. Eusebius attended the Laternal Council of Nicea, where he met Emperor Constantine and where he sided with the majority of the council who condemned Arius and his Arian Apostasy. Readers should be warned that in First Chapter: Christ and His Companions , Eusebius speaks of the divinity of Jesus and agrees on the Trinity, but believes in subordinationism; which is a false belief that Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are subordinate to The Father. The Scriptures that refute this theology are, "I and the Father are one, if you have seen me you have seen the father," (John 10:30) and "The Father asked Who will go on our behalf? The Son responded I will Go." (Isaiah 6:8). Having warned readers...