We are numbing ourselves with entertainment. Trying to drown the disquiet in our souls with binge watching shows. We use social media and chat based apps to fight the lonely hole in our hearts. All the while none of this removes the edge, the static and jittery feelings inside us. Nothing the world offers can satisfy the insatiability, nothing on this earth can eat away the energy that keeps us awake with insomnia and makes us feel like we’ve had too many coffees. This restlessness is meant to be there to point us to the only solace, the only solution, the only savior.. Jesus.
How stubborn we humans are. We will try everything that does not work for our restless souls and spiritual depression. People will use Zen gardens, Yoga, Chant, and myriad of eastern & pagan methods, when the answer is there all along.. Jesus is enough.
We try to fill the emptiness with relationships, if I have a friend or lover then I will be happy. Once the obsession and passion tempers, and that fog lifts we feel more alone with someone than without.
Diedrich Bonehoffer said Christ will not let us have close relationships with people save through Him, this means even in companionship he is the gate (The Cost of Discipleship) and St. Augustine pf Hippo said, “our hearts are restless until we find rest in Him (Jesus).” I have issues with The Cost of Discipleship because it gets Grace wrong, and I find Augustine to be faulty in many areas, but these points they made are true. Jesus is enough. Without Him as our center we are miserable beings. Doc Holiday in Tombstone when asked why Ringo, a cruel gunslinger does what he does, he says “Ringo has a great hole right through the middle of him, he can never steal enough, kill enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.” That hole exists and nothing can fill if but Jesus Christ God Incarnate, Son of God, and Lord.
This is true not only for those who need salvation, to believe in Jesus, but for the saints. Only Jesus is enough to still that disquiet, depression, and deep despair. Christ Alone is the answer to our restless souls, and yet we’d rather binge shows and food, read self help books than His words, and try every conceivable good idea to cure ourselves, when Jesus is enough.
If there was one cure for your cancer would you try a hundred other treatments instead? If there was one answer to your problem would you instead ignore that answer ad spin your wheels doing stuff that doesn’t work? Of course not! So why are you going elsewhere than Jesus to answer your restlessness? Of those who refused in The Wilderness to obey what the Lord told them to do stayed restless, “They refuse to do what I tell them.’ So in my anger I took an oath: ‘They will never enter my place of rest” (Hebrews 3:10-11), but we who trust in Jesus are promised rest, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30). Only Jesus is enough, only he can satisfy our souls and give us rest. Amen.
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