In New York they will be having children doing Mindful Breathing exercises. Mindful breathing comes from Yoga, which is Hindu and Buddhist. This is a soft recruiting method to indoctrinate the youth. The Eastern demonic doctrines are hard at work, people already say “Its Karma,” instead of “they reap what they sow,” and “The Universe answered,” rather than “God answered,” or “Providence.” All of this is to replace our Judeo-Christian values with paganisms. Even major companies are called Car Gurus and Credit Karma, gurus are the rabbi mystics of Hinduism and Karma is Buddhist-Hindu’s version receiving what you deserve.
There is a concentrated effort to inundate us with Buddhist-Hindu teachings. Mindful breathing is simply one of the serpents to slither into our lives. It is interesting doctors and now schools are peddling it, I wonder if you could institute Our Father Prayer time and Bible recitations? I doubt it, they will cry, “separate of Church and State,” oh but not separate of State and Temple huh? Even though what Thomas Jefferson meant by that is to not have a state church like the Church of England, nor having a president who is supreme head of the church and dictating matters of worship and etc from political office. Jefferson was not trying to separate spirituality from the state, to this day Congress has chaplain and they pray. The issue was a tyrant, a Byzantine Emperor and State that controls your religious life, that was what he tried to prevent, not removing prayer and The Bible from state, academia, and etc.
In airports now I see Meditation rooms with the Buddha, oh but no chapels anymore. In hospitals chapels are now interfaith rather than dedicated to the True God Jesus Christ. What I find interesting is as buddhist-hindu worship and mediation is added to airports, and hospitals both these are now in decline, flights being cancelled en masse for two plus years now creating a travel crisis, shortage of staff, faulty landing gear, doctors and nurses resigning since Covid. I watched a beloved store in my town add the elephant hindu idol and in a year the store closed forever. The spirits behind hinduism are destroyers, hence Shiva the Destroyer! In fact, I am convinced Brahmin, Vishnu, and Shiva are fallen seraphim angels, each has six arms, just like seraphim have six wings (Isaiah 6:2-7), wings in heaven denote heavenly authorities, hence Satan when he was caste down was stripped of his heavenly authority (Ezekiel 28:18-19). Brahmin, Vishnu, and Shiva fell with Satan and the third of the angels that rebelled against God Almighty (Revelation 12:7-12). They shall burn in the lake of fire with the devil and his people! (Revelation 20:10, 15).
We need to protect ourselves from this pagan incursion. It has already showed its fruit, which is rotten and death to any industry that implements the idols and methods of buddhism and hinduism. Because there is Only One God In Three Persons, One Way to Heaven, Jesus Christ, “I am The Way, The Truth, and The Life, none can come to Father except through me,” (John 14:6), and “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.” (John 3:18). Amen.
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