Today is when The Eastern Churches celebrate Easter. I think it is something to cherish that there multiple easters and christmases, allowing the celebrating to carry on longer. As I contemplated Easter this year, I wanted to clear up a lie that has infected the church. Many, including myself believed that Easter was pagan, that the word came from Eoster, Esther, Ishtar, Ashteroth, the goddess of fertility. This idea was preached by Venerable Bede, claiming it is a pagan word since the 13th century. In truth modern scholarship consensus has discovered Easter comes from In Albis (Dawn), eostarum, which probably refers to that the disciples went to Jesus tomb at dawn on the third day, “But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they came unto the tomb,” (Luke 24:1). In French the word is Paques for Easter derived its root from Pescha or Passover, which makes sense since Jesus Christ our Lord celebrated the Passover (Matthew 26:17), revealed The Holy Communion (Luke 22:19-20), and died for our sins and rose from the dead during and after Passover, eternal death passing over us because of Christ’s blood, just as death passed over the houses of Jews with blood of a lamb on the doorposts (Exodus 12:13-28).
There is a concerted effort by false apostles, false prophets, and false teachers to cast doubt on words we used in the church. They did it to Easter, to Jesus’ name claiming its Zeus, which is a lie! Jesus comes from Iesus (Latin) from Iesous (Greek) from Yeshua (Aramaic & Hebrew). These liars say Christmas trees are Druid paganism when Druids brought in oaks with holes for sprites, not evergreen trees, evergreen trees come from story of St. Columba who cut down an oak to Oiden and a evergreen tree grew in its place, and Martin Luther who said evergreen trees point to heaven and eternal life in Christ. These false teachers never stop trying to caste doubt. Easter is sadly attacked by a supposed churchman named Bede, when had he had sense, he would have considered that the churches in the east and west used Easter for almost two thousand years, so who do you trust more? The saints of two thousand years or one man named Bede?
Be careful when being persuaded by people who claim a novelty about a word in major circulation in the churches. For many spry pur freedom and try to destroy it, “And this occurred because of false brethren secretly brought in (who came in by stealth to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage.” (Galatians 2:4). Beware of these false brothers who like Bede try to caste doubt, even on the word Easter! Amen.
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