Our hearts and prayers go out to those in Houston, Corpus Christi, and Southern Texas [and those in Louisiana and anywhere else that has suffered] that have been hurt and even harmed by Hurricane Harvey. The death toll is at twenty five and rising. Many are mourning, and should take solace in Christ both in prayer and in His manifestations through the help and relief of Operation Blessing, Red Cross, FEMA, Other Aide Organizations, and Ordinary Citizens who have lending help with their own hands and boats. While I would never would want to trivialize the loss of the victims of Texas, I do want to say that in middle of such devastation God is doing something perhaps not televised. The entire nation, particularly Pensacola, Florida, Arkansas, Louisiana, and many of states of America have sent relief, police, fire fighters, and other aid weither monetary, spiritually, or boots on ground to help in crisis. This Hurricane Harvey is Harbinger of healing, the healing I mean is in regards to division that has been sweeping this nation. Politics have made pythons that have turned Americans against each other over racism, white supremacy, and other ideals; causing a civil divide. But this Hurricane has whipped away those grievances by getting the whole nations focused on helping their neighbor. It sometimes and sadly takes catastrophes like these to reboot the human soul, to make people think about what matters, and in many ways these horrible circumstances help craft healing. When people were barking at each other and protesting, they now are on banks of Houston and providing aide; the adversity of the hurricane binds them together, and all those political upsets fade away when you see your political adversary carrying backpack, soaked, weary, and having lost family, a dog, and in very least property.
Hurricanes like Harvey, can take a divided nation and make them One again. Though I am not applauding this Tropical Storm, or glad there was loss of life and property, I am pointing out that God using evil for good, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." (Genesis 50:20). I know it will be long process to rebuild, reimburse, and restore these families, but in middle of this storm there is something warm, seeing the States pull together and loving on each other. Again, I reiterate that I am not happy, nor is is glad tidings that people died, that there was errors in the warnings for flash floods, and that there is loss of people and possessions. What I am pointing out is that in middle of this horrible incident, there is another kind of healing happening. It was just yesterday everyone was focused on protesting and labeling people racists, fascists, and more; and sadly CNN and other news outlets keep covering that in wake of Harvey. Right there is proof about political pundits, they don't care about you, they want to use you for their causes. But the cause of Christ is what you are seeing on ground in Houston, and other parts Harvey has reeked havoc. There at ground zero you see people loving their neighbor, "For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself," (Galatians 5:14), and you are even seeing people laying down their lives in case of responders by taking risk of rescuing people wither state, government, or citizen operated, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends," (John 15:13).
In midst of this terrible tragedy is a "hurricane of love," (Elizabethtown).
Pray for those in Houston, Texas, and all in path or aftermath of Harvey. Pray for their safety, warmth, shelter, food, spirits, pray that those who do not believe will trust in Jesus and be saved, and that in this moment of loss they can appreciate the love and care of brothers and sisters from other states; and that stigma and divisions that have endeavored to keep people apart may fall down like the dam walls and walls of Jericho. Amen.
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