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St. Bartholomew Day Massacre |
The Roman Catholicism is a contagion. A disease of the spirit and mind. It infects people with its ties to the ancient Roman pagan gods of Mars (god of war), Minerva (goddess of intellect), and Venus (goddess of lust). The Roman Catholic Church is not the church of Jesus Christ, but rather the masterpiece of Constantine The Great, who build St. Peter's Basicalla in what is now called Vatican City, Italty, the seat of Papal Power, and the Roman Catholic Church. This church persuades Protestants seeking virtue that it is the One True Church of antiquity, founded by St. Peter himself, but in actuality it is a Constantinian creation that found its own identity in Europe, while its sister Eastern Orthodoxy sat in the cradle of Constantine's empire, Constantinople (Byzantium). The Catholic faith is not the Christian faith, Catholics do not believe in inerrancy and suprememcy of the Scriptures being the main source of God's revelation (Solae Scriptura) they believe in Prima Scriptura, that the Scriptures are equal to the other traditions (of men), of which Jesus said, "In this way, you say they don’t need to honor their parents and so you cancel the word of God for the sake of your own tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote, ‘These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God." (Matthew 15:6-9). The Roman Catholic Church coverts its Canon Law and Catechism, not Christ and The Holy Bible. The Roman Church is an aberration and corruption of Christ's body, and it is an instition of insidious nature.
The Roman Catholic Church does not preach the Gospel which testifies that Jesus Christ alone can save man from sin and if you believe in Him you are sealed for salvation and eternal life (Romans 10:9-10, John 3:16-18, Hebrews not blood of goats, and more). Instead the Roman Church preaches a perpetual practice of the Sacraments, sacred traditions that include Baptism, Eucharist (Communion), Confession/Absolution, Pennance, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony. Catholics believe once you commit a sin after baptism a person is damned again and must practice the sacraments, seek the intercession of saints, and seek out absolution from a priest. This conflicts with the Gospels and Epistles of Bible, the original writings of the faith that proclaim, "Believe in Jesus Christ and you and your household will be saved!" (Acts 16:31).
The Latin (Roman) Church is a cancer. It infects the mind, I have felt its tentecals as it tries to convince you that pious actions must be done in addition to Christ's sacrifice. Catholicism is a contagion, it has proven to cause guilt complexes, OCD (obsessive compulsive disorders), and Occultic bondage in form of their dark exorcisms and pagan rites. The Catholic Church is a corruption, a seat of Catigorica (Satan) that ensnares more Christians than any trap of ISIS and the Occult. Catholicism convinces a person they must feel guilty at all times, their sins never cleansed, their mistake from decades ago looming over them like pale of dark water ready to drown them! Roman Catholicism captures the scholars and stupid, it lures people in with its beauty, its sages (like Augustine of Hippo, Thomas A Kempis, and more), and its ancient history, especially in Europe. But the Roman Catholic Church is guilty, more guilty than any church. In addition to all idolatries, and stumbling blocks that Rome puts between Catholics and Christ is atrocious and genocidal attacks on Christians, Jews, and oddly enough Catholics (read below).
The Roman Church is responsible for the following:
The Rhineland Massacres, "The German Crusade" First Crusade 1096 A.D.
Roman Catholic Germans massacred Jews from Worms to Mainz, slaughtering men, women, and children. Emicho, Gottchalk, and Folkmar lead these pogroms in name of Roman Religion. While there were clergy would endeavored to protect the Jews (a minority) they probably were in cohorts with the Catholic monarchs who wanted their debts to Jews whipped clean "in blood".
Targets: Jews
The St. Bartholomew Day Massacre, 1529 A.D. Amiens, France
On the night after the wedding of Catholic princess Margarite and her husband a Hugenot Henry Navarre, the Catholic wedding guests rose up and slaughter 30,000 Protestants in one night! (Michael Kerrigan, A Dark History: Catholic Church). They killed everyone because they were "heretics" and made forced conversions of the Protestants (see the movie, Queen Margot 1994). This incident sparked a holy war between Protestants and Catholics called "The Thirty Year's War." (1618-1648 A.D.).
Targets: Huguenot Christians, Protestant Christians
The First Through Sixth Crusades 1096-1291 A.D. Palestine (Israel), Syria, Edessa, and More.
The Roman Catholics of Europe rode, sailed, and walked to fight Muslims in Holy Land and to recover Christian lands. They did this however by slaughtering Christians, particularly Byzantine Christians in first schirmishes in 1096 A.D., Armeian Christians were slaughtered in the Sack of Jerusalem (1099 A.D.), The Crusaders scorched Jews to death in synagogue they sat on fire, and King Baldwin I (then Baldwin of Boulogne) assassinated his Armenian step-father to gain the County of Edessa, and the disaster that was Dynasty of the descendants of Milsende (Sibylla, Isabella, and Baldwin IV "The Leper King". Under Guy Lusignan many Catholics were massacred at the Horns of Hattin. Often the Crusaders kill Eastern Christians because they simply did not care, because they were not Catholic. In fact there were perpetual battles Latin and Eastern Orthodox patriarchs wanting power in Jerusalem.
Targets: Muslims, Armenain Christians, Byzantine Christians, and others.
The Fourth Crusade, 1204 A.D. Constantinople, Byzantium (Turkey)
The Crusaders arrived in Constantinople to help settle the claim of disposed Emperor, but the entire affair ended with the Latin Christians sacking the city, slaughtering Eastern Christians (whom since the First Crusade was preached in 1095 A.D. were one of main reasons the Crusades were issued to relieve the Byzantines from Muslim advances and attacks). The result was a blemish and bungle of an expedition that never recovered Jerusalem, but instead has people proclaiming Jesus wills it as they killed Jesus' followers; "The Crusade Against Christians." The Pope, Innocent III denounced the intial side quest of Constantinople, but once the "Queen of Cities" was in the hands of the Crusaders, Innocent changed his mind and paid them honor, showing the fickleness of the Pope.
Targets: Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Christians, Armenian Christians, and Coptic Christians.
The Spanish Inquisition, 1478-1834 A.D. Spain
The Roman Catholics of Spain gave power to a Grand Inqusitor to gather any Moriscos (Muslims coverts to Catholicism) and Conversos (other converts) to examine them nad determine if they had truly converted. What followed was purge of Spain of Jews (The Despora from San Martin), the slaughter of Protestants, and reign of terror that lasted four hundred years where priests and inquisitors could decide someone was not orthodox Catholic on whim, loot them (primary source of revenue for The Inquisition) and burn them at stake. The Inqusition was Spainish Catholic and it has stained Christianity in eyes of the world, but do not forget this was Catholic, not Protestant. The Inquisition made Spain famous for being a place where not art, creativity, music, and more was permitted. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella in 1492 were still continuing The Reconquista (Spanish Crusade) and the Inquisition. Victims of Inquisition included Jan Hus, William Tyndale, and many other prominate Reformers.
Targets: Muslims (Moors), Jews, Protestants, and any Christian the Inquisition decided on a whim was not a true Catholic or converted properly.
The Tragedy of the Knights Templar, 1307-1312 A.D. France
On Friday 13th, 1307 the Knights Templar, Catholic warriors who had protected the pilgrims on the roads to Jerusalem were rounded up in France and subjected to trials for heresy, and many were burned at stake, while all the holdings of the Temple from Europe to the Holy Land were seized by the Crown (Phillip IV of France) and much of the holdings given to the Knights Hospitaller. This was a incident of Catholic on Catholic violence. The Templars, who were Catholic Knights answered only to the Pope, and yet were subjected to an inquisition, put on trial in secret courts of Ecclesia that condemned them due to fact that Pope Clement V was puppet of Phillip IV of France. Here is proof even Catholics are not safe.
Targets: Catholics, specifically those who swore an oath to the Pope.
The Third Reich Pope. 1943-1945 A.D., Germany and Vatican City
The Roman Catholic Church worked in conjunction with The Nazi Party. Pope Pius II not only overlooked the atrocities, but was in communication with Adolf Hitler. In fact, Hitler never broke his ties with the Roman Church despite creating his own Church (The Reich Church), and being involved in the Occult. The Roman Catholic Church was complicit in the actions of the Third Reich, and the reality is Rome is guilty because it did not condemn the pogroms against the Jews which led to 7 Million deaths, and the genocide of 12 Million Christians (Roman Catholics thrilled to complete what the St. Bartholomew Day Massacre and Bloody Mary could not accomplish against Protestants).
Targets: Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Anglicans, Huguenots, Atheists, Agonistics, and all other religious groups.
Bloody Mary's Blood Bath, 1516-1556 A.D. England
Mary Stuart I, Queen of England had 30 Protestants killed in one day and she did a purge of her kingdom of all Protestants, sending many into either into hiding or in hands of the axeman. Bloody Mary slayed over 280 Protestants for their beliefs before dying, and passing the rule of England to the Protestant and yet tolerant Elizabeth I. Despite what "Bloody Mary" did to Protestants, Elizabeth did not round up Catholics and commit them to the sword, only Papists, Catholics who usurped the crown and wanted the Pope to rule (politically) over England were imprisoned, tortured, and executed. Normal Catholics were spared, as Elizabeth said, "I do not punish people for their beliefs, only their deeds." (Elizabeth: The Golden Age, and Alice Weir's Elizabeth).
Targets: Protestants, Puritans, Lutherans, and more.
The Hussite Crusade (1492-1434 A.D.) and Waldensian Crusades (1211 A.D.)
The Church of Rome launched crusades against the Reformist Christian followers of Peter Waldo (Waldensians), and the followers of Jan Hus (Hussite) slaughtering them with the Papal swords and the Papal banner unfurled. These crusades showed the true nature of Catholicism, intolerance for true and Biblical Christianity; although The Fourth Crusade (1204) had the Latin Crusaders slaughtering the Byzantine Eastern Orthodox Christians long before. Waldo's followers had 80 slaughtered, while Hus had
Targets: Hussite Christians, Waldensian Christians
Death By Baptism
The Catholics took the Anabaptists and drowned them in river because of their beliefs. In Catholicism it is believed a person can be baptized as a baby, but the Anabaptists believed you had to make conscious choice, and be of the age to make the decision and for this reason they received the name Anabaptist, and because this sect of Protestantism challenged the Catholic dogma, many of them, 73 including families were drowned by order of the King of France, a Catholic.
Targets: Anabaptists
The Child Abuse Scandal
Circa 1800 A.D. to Present Day (2016)
A group of investigative reports discovered that pedophile priests were molesting children in their parish schools and churches. This scandal became a film called "Spotlight" but this was not the first time the priests of Rome have done this. The Vow of Chastisty that Roman Ecclesia must take certainly must be securitized for its hand in this behavior, but also the fact that the Vatican did not vet its leaders proves that this insituion is corrupt from the core; worse the Papal legates have swept this scandal under the red Roman rug and Pope Francis I had kept it quiet, oh but he gives to the poor, hypocrite!
Targets: Catholic Innocent Children and their families.
The Invasion of England (Spanish Armada) 1588 A.D.
Philip II of Spain invaded England with his mass privately funded armada to bring The Spanish Inquistion to Ingland, and suppress the Protestant Faith. This invasion came about over Phillip plotting with Queen Elizabeth I of England's half sister Mary Queen of Scots and it developed into a conspiracy that have Philip is alleged divine right to invade. Thankfully, The Holy Trinity sunk the armada in miraculous storm and via the astudious fire ships of the English Navy.
Targets: Anglicans, Puritans, Lutherans, and Protestants.
The Irish Wars 1960-1998 A.D.
The IRA is very much Catholic and the wars between Irish folk, the senseless slaughter is because of Catholics and Protestant Irishmen who hate each other. Considering it was the Catholics who slaughter Protestants on St. Bartholomew Day Massacre, it seems possible that the Catholic strain and contagion has a hand in this feuding, fighting, and fury between Irish neighbors, who certainly have forgotten, "love thy neighbor as thou loves thyself," (Mark 12:31) of course Catholics don't read the Bible and listen instead to their Papal brainwashing (Book of Common Prayer, Catechism, and Canon Law).
Targets: Catholic and Protestant
Destruction of the Celtic Missionaries, circa 400 A.D.
In Scotland and Ireland a Church rose from Cloumba and Patrick that was not Roman. This ethnic Church preached The Gospel and many Celts became Christian missionaries. But in time the Roman Catholic Church arrived, destroyed this vibrant epicenter of the Evangelion (Gospel), and replaced it with the dead church of Italy.
Targets: Celtic Catholics and Proto-Evangelicals.
These are but a sample of the Roman tyranny that the Catholic Church has tried throughout it long reign. Make not mistake, The Roman Catholic Church is the Rome of antiquity only with a puppet government made to appear as if it were a genuine Church. The Catholic Church is a controlling institution of Roman Law (its epitomy is the Spanish Inquisition, in fact the Inquisition used Roman Law from antiquity for its cases, ever noticed a burning stake and cross/crucifix have similar qualities? See John Vidmar OP's "101 Questions and Answers On The Crusades and Inquisition.."). The Roman Church is not the real or true church, it is a corrupted blend of Roman Antiquity: Cesar (Pope), Senate (Cardinals), Law (Inquistion, Magistratium), and Christian rituals with pagan rites (especially Saxon paganism).
The Roman Church is not a church, but the Harlot Babylon
(Revelation 16 and 19). She fills up her cup with blood of martyrs (Protestants
like Tyndale) and blasphemies (Hail Mary). Their Catechism and Canon Law is
corrupt. The popes are antichrists, the current one, Pope Francis I is possible the Man of Sin
himself. The Roman Church has intermediaries, saints and Mary whom they pray
to, worship, and trust over God the Trinity Himself. As a result, they are
polytheists posing as monotheists. The Roman Church is the devil’s child, made
to convince many and deceive them with “A form fo godliness, but denying its
power.” (2 Timothy 3:5). It is not Christianity; it is antichristianity. The Bible scripture
after scripture refutes the Roman doctrines, even by the most revered saint of
all, St. Peter who speaks against its priesthood class and affirms the priesthood of all believers, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” (1 Peter 3:9-10).
The Trap of Rome is easy to fall into. I did. Its candles,
carvings, and customs were alluring in my time of crises. But as I thought the
Via Del Rosa laid out before me came from Christ, I recognize it really was
chains with Roman runes written to read “religion” (Colossians 2:23) rather
than the freedom I had that read “relationship” (Matthew 7:22-23). Catholicism
is a cult that draws people in through St. Augustine, St. Francis of Assisi,
and St. Benedict of Nursia. These ‘pious’ men are quoted with ardor, but I
would have you know St. Augustine lost his faith in the end, after being lead
by a “spirit of light,” note, “Satan masquerades as an angel of light.” (2 Corinthians 11:14). St.
Francis of Assisi was a mystic who probably dabbled in occultic practices
(Stigmata), and St. Benedict of Nursia answer to slightest infraction of rules
with repeated beatings via clubs, and monks having to lay on their face before
abbot for having left the cloister on monastery business and abbot approved business;
leaving monk in humiliation until the abbot feels his shame is sufficient.
Roman Catholicism has no basis in Scripture and Words of the
Apostle. We are told to believe in Jesus Christ, not do works to be saved
(Romans 10:9, John 3:16). The Roman Catholic Church teaches in its canon law
and catechism that salvation is merited through baptism, penance, indulgences,
and more. The Church of Rome is not the home of the saints, but a prison for
sinners who will never escape from their sin because they will not believe
Christ’s sacrifice was enough (Hebrews 9:13-Hebrews 10:18, 1 Peter 3:18, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 2:8-15, and Romans 5). Share
Hebrews. Everything about the Catholic Church is polluted with heresy, it takes
one read through The Four Gospels, and the Epistles to discover the faith
preached by John, James, Peter and Paul is not what Rome’s Church preaches!
This is why the Roman Church feared The Reformation, The Bible getting into
everyone’s hands; for then on the public would realize no Magistratium should interpret Scripture for everyone (what keeps
the Magistratium from being corrupt? also see “All Scripture is useful for teaching,
reproving, rebuking, and training in righteousness,” 2 Timothy 3:16 which means
we must know it) for one, and secondly people would discover the fallacies,
inaccuracies, errata, and lies of the Roman Canons.
The Roman Catholic Church is a contagion that is destroying 2 Billion souls. The leaders of the
Roman Church are preaching another gospel than One in the New Testament, which
the Apostle Paul warns, “If anyone preaches another gospel than we preached,
even an angel, let them be under a curse!” (Galatians 1:8-9), and, “If anyone
preaches another Jesus than the one you received, another spirit than the One
you received, and another gospel than the Gospel you received, you put up with
it way too easily!” (2 Corinthians 11:4). Many have ceased to reveal the truth
about the Roman Church, because many Protestant leaders are under Pope Francis
I's spell of social justice and social equality, and religious universalism, while others have
become bespelled by St. Benedict, St. Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, Francis of
Assisi, Chrysostom, Basil, Antony the Great, Athanthius, and their ‘scholarly;
schidolatry: idolatry scholartry’.
Jesus said, “If anyone adds to the words in this book, let
them be accursed.” (Revelation 22:00). While many believe this to only refer to
The Book of Revelation, I believe it is a good mantra to live by, also known as
Solae Scriptura “Scripture Alone.” The Catholic Church preaches Prima
Scriptura, “Scripture and Tradition, equal, and Scripture is only one tradition
among many.” Through Prima scriptura the Catholic Church is able to change what
it needs via Magistratrium to achieve its goals, while Bible believing
Christians in contrast hold to what is written by the Apostles, those who were
closest to Christ Himself. Who do you trust more? A group of men who are paid
by Catholic Church and educated in its politics to interpret Scripture, or do
you trust the Holy Spirit to help you via the words of Christ and
Apostles in Scripture to interpret the faith? Will you trust Christ who is God (Col 2:9) or
cardinals who are mere men with a corrupt view of Christianity and who seek to
advance it; they do not teach the True Gospel according to the Apostles Peter, Paul, and John!
Catholicism is a contagion, a cancer that is eating at the
Body of Christ. Eastern Orthodoxy is a pox like small pox that is similar with
its man-made religion, works based salvation, and Prima Scriptura. Catholicism
is the cobra, Byzantine Church (Eastern Orthodoxy) a boa constrictor (python).
The Catholic Cobra spits venom in the Church through is mesmerizing dance,
while Byzantium wraps around those who escape the Cobra and are constricted
until they two die spiritually and become walking corpses, rather than what
they are supposed to be in Christ: “Born Again,” (John 3:1-21), “A New Creation,” (2 Corinthians 5:17),
“Resurrected through Christ,” (Colossians 2:12), and “sealed by salvation through Christ and
holy spirit.” (Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 4:30). Beware of Catholic Contagion and Eastern Orthodox Pox, they
both are deadly to a devout follower of Jesus Christ. They appear to be
beautiful, but they are “whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside, but on the inside are full of dead men's bones and every impurity," (Matthew 23:27),
and “In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (Matthew 23:28). These Patriarchs, and Popes are the Pharisees and Sadducees who “cross an ocean to win a convert but make them twice the son of hell,” (Matthew 23:15) and “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people's faces. You won't go in yourselves, and you don't let others enter either," (Matthew 23:13). Beware, for the hour is late and Jesus Christ is Coming Back, and we cannot be found in Harlot Babylon’s lair (Revelation 18:4).
I call it the Catholic Contagion because it infects a person's mind and soul, and it often leads to radicalism like St. Bartholomew Day Massacre, The Inquisition, The Spanish Armada and more. While certainly the current Pope would seem to never call for violence, that is what every pseudo-utopian leader says, "peace" and then there are blades and gun shots, also note the Pope is protected by The Swiss Guard (zealots) who will kill anyone at the Pope's behest. Roman Catholicism is like the Roman Empire, waiting to strike and controlling people with fear. Break free of Rome, and roam into the Truth that is Biblical & Authentic & True Christianity according to The Holy Bible.
and “In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness." (Matthew 23:28). These Patriarchs, and Popes are the Pharisees and Sadducees who “cross an ocean to win a convert but make them twice the son of hell,” (Matthew 23:15) and “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in people's faces. You won't go in yourselves, and you don't let others enter either," (Matthew 23:13). Beware, for the hour is late and Jesus Christ is Coming Back, and we cannot be found in Harlot Babylon’s lair (Revelation 18:4).
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