Rome has always been antichrist. First it crucified and killed Jesus Christ (John 20, Matthew 27), then it martyred and killed Christ's followers for four hundred years (Eusebius, Penguin), then it became a church and killed Christians spiritually by supressing God's Spirit, hiding The Bible in Latin, and reigning as a tyrant that kept its slaves (adherants) under a pan-pagan polluted Christianity while killing anyone or group that spoke the truth of the Bible (examples, Jan Hus, the Hussites, Waldensians, Moravians, Hugenots, and many more). The Spanish Inquisition was Satanic system to ferret out true Christians and make them slaves of Babylon or burn them at tje stake. Today the Roman Church still stinks of idolatry and is Babylon, but now Pope Francis I has revealed Roman doctine at its zenith, universalism or all religions are one and equal; interestingly this false gospel the pontiff preaches is very ancient Roman, the Roman Empire of 33 A.D. promoted all religons and gods, and allowed its citizens to follow a pantheon of deities at their discretion, they only met friction with Judaism because Jews would not accept Rome's pan-religious utopia and polytheism, the Jews believed in one God (Y'WH/Jehovah [remember Jesus is Jehovah Romans 10:9]/Elohim) who is the same God of Christians that came in a body (John 1:1-16), Colossians 2:9, Colossians 1:10-19, Romans 10:8-10) to fufill the Jewish prophet Isaiah's words (Isaiah 53) and the prophecies throughout the Tankh (Old Testament). Christianity was a Jewish sect that proclaimed the Gospel, that Jesus (Yeshua, Immanuel) is the Christ (messiah) and Bridegroom (God incarnate), and that the new covenant promised to David (2 Samuel 7:5-50) and Abraham, and even Adam ("one wil come who and smash the head of serpent") is fufilled in Jesus Christ who sealed this new covenant of eternal life, forgivness of sins, and reconciliation with Elohim (God) through His blood and death on the cross, just as He made covenant with Abraham through the blood and deaths of beasts (Genesis 15:9-21).
The Roman Empire which became and is now The Roman Catholic Church keeps the spirit, will, and laws of Ancient Rome alive as well as continues the Ancient Roman persecution of making war on genuine/authentic and Biblical Christianity because it is just like Judaism in 33 A.D, unwilling to accept polytheism (many gods); and the truth is the Roman Church hates Jesus, it holds up the dead christ (crucifix) to remind themselves that they killed Him and must kill His True followers. The Roman Church hates Protestants who arecBible believing, Bible learned, Spirit filled, and who trust only in Jesus Christ because the Roman Church is run by Satan and his bride (Babylon) who war against Jesus, and who don't' like disciples of Christ who wont compromise and allow polythiesm, universalism, all roads, and other religions to pollute the faith and make covenant with churches as Pope Francis I desires.
Let me set the record straight, the Book of Romans in the New Testament has no connection to Roman Catholicism (i.e. The Roman Catholic Church, The Latin Church, The Papacy). The Church of Rome the Apostle Paul addresses in his letter and epistle was established in circa 34-60 A.D. and this church is practicing Biblical Christianity, The Gospel, and Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Paul's words to this church are an incredible synopsis and account of what it means to be a Christian that cross references with the Four Synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as the letters of the Apostles Peter (Simeon, Cephas), James, and John. The Latin Roman Catholic Church does not appear in its infancy in Rome until Constantine The Great built St. Peter's in 313-333 A.D., it grows to its adolence in circa 500-800 A.D. and then into adulthood and distinction as seperate church body and hierarchy (papacy) recognized around world during the Eastern and Western Schism of 1054 A.D.
For the record, there is nothing wrong with an image of Christ crucified, He did die in this manner for all our sins. But the fact the Latin Roman Catholic Church tends to depict the dead Christ (corpus christi) and not the Ressurected Christ (ressurectix christi) save for in Jesus the Sacred Heart which is Jesus with a flamming heart that bleeds and that comes from devotio or devotion called The Cult of the Sacred Heart where worshippers worship Jesus' physical heart organ and they emphasize His humanity and suffering rather than the fact He is divine (Colossians 2:9, Matthew 1, Luke 2, Colossians 1:8-18, John 1:1-18); and yet these same worshippers are told to venerate Mary as a goddess, theotokios, and co-redeemer; interesting, the Real Son of God and God himself in body who is Jesus Christ is either shown dead (crucifix) or He is rendered as human alone, suffering with a blazing heart while the Madonna is made to look radiant and divine, when in reality she was a humble God fearing virgin who was a sinner in need of savior as much as us (see Luke 1:34-55, pay attention to the line, "my soul delights in God my Savior..") and God chose her.
Final record to set straight. While The Latin Roman Catholic Church is certainly Babylon the Great (Revelation, Ch 17 and 18) that does not mean there weren't true followers of Christ within its structure, examples are Thomas A Kempis (wrote The Imitation of Christ, member of Dovotio Moderna Movement that wanted to get back to following Christ and His example), St. Dominic (founder of Dominicans who were friars that preached the Gospel), St. Jerome (translated The Latin Vulgate Bible, said "The Bible is the surest way to know Christ,"), Thomas Aquinas (who rightly discovered that God gave us a brain to reason and think and discover knowledge), and many more. Even though the shadow of Babylon fell on most of Church from 500 A.D. to 1600 A.D. many candles still burned for Christ under the Idolatress's habit, mitre, and skirts: "And the Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it [put it out or absorbed it or appropriated it, and is unreceptive to it].." (John 1:5).
My advice from having studied Scripture, moving in Holy Spirit gifts, spending two plus years in the Latin Roman Catholic Church ceremonies, circles, communities, and having studied Church History by Protestants (Bruce Shelly), Eastern Orthodox (Timothy/Kallistos Ware), Roman Catholics (St. Benedict, St. Jerome), and Secularists (Diamond McCulloch), I recommend you leave The Roman Catholic Church (leave the Eastern Orthodox Church if you are a member), pick up a Holy Bible (NLT/New Living Translation) read it (read Colossians and the Gospel of John, also read Galatians and the Gospel of Matthew), and stay away from High Churches. Seek out an Evangelical churches, Bible Churches (best option), Southern Baptist, Pentecostal, or Calvary Churches. Make sure the church is Bible focused/based, semi-Spirit filled (believes in the Gifts of Holy Spirit, see 1 Corinthians 12), is not universalist, does not ordain Masons, and that it believe in Solae Scriptura (Scripture Alone, to test all theology, doctrine, and teaching).
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