According to Harold Camping, tonight at 6:00pm is the Rapture. Tonight is the Apocalpyse. Camping has told his faithful radio listeners that May 21 is the Day of the Lord, the Second Coming. He has promised those that hath purchased his sacred Bible and who have tuned in fervantly to his sermons will be caught up. As for the rest of us believers that doubt him, to the Flaming Depths we shall be caste. Camping declares that by his mathmatical eqaution (featured at end of this post.) He is certain today is the day the Lord shall return. Yet for some reason he ignores the scriptures that read: "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows" -Matt 24:36 & Mark 13:32. So if Christ himself part is uncertain of when he shall begin The Reckoning, how does this fella know? Why him? How come he got the memo and the rest of us are in the dark?
Predictions, dates for the Apocalpse have been numerious. The famous End of the World in 1988, Joseph Smith's predicition in 1832, and etc. Quite frankly it tis sad that such deceptions spread. By 6:01 this man will be humbled and the people who fallowed with be ashamed and unfortunately will likely blame God for this man's mistake. Satan is cunning, he knows that he can make people destitute by planting lies in leader's minds. Many athiests in history were hurt by Churchs and religious leaders. I've heard that many people have sold their homes, quit their jobs, and give away their posessions. My heart goes out to them, when this hoax is exposed. I pray they not lose their faith over one man's foolish belief. What we are witnessing is the fulffillment of what Christ prophecied: "In those days there will be false teachers, prophets, and christs." We must be wise, we must test everything coming out of someone's mouth with the Word of God. We cannot afford to be ignorant in these days.
I personally believe we are in the End Times. Several prophicies are being fullfilled, but there is no way to be certain when Christ shall return. It could be in sixteen years or sixteen thousand. Since God dost not live in time, when he does make his move, it will fall within our time continium which makes it impossible to know the exact date. Granted he did give us indicators, signs, and examples to help us acknowledge his return is neigh. He said "love will wax clold, and people will become lovers of self. He said sun will not shed light, the moon will turn red, he said all nations will surround Israel, that the World will be at war, that the Man of Sin shall rise who will bring peace for seven years and then declare himself God. This in particular has not happened, so how can this Camping say Christ shall rapture us tonight? If the Man of Sin has not arisen?
I frankly don't believe in the rapture, it is afterall a relatively new doctrine from 19th century. No were in scripture have I found anywhere that alludes to it. I only read that we are Caught up upon his return. That there is one return of Christ, that dead rise once, not twice. While theologians argue about mid trib, post trib, and what we shall experiance. I think we should prepare for any scenerio. I think we shall experiance the Tribulation, but not God's Wrath. It twill be the greatest test of a believer's faith, to endure to the end, to as Paul said on eve of his death "I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
Tonight will be yet another example crititics and skeptics will use to to mock and ridicule Christianity. I can hear Bill Mar already saying "Those crazy Christians." This will be further ammonition for Satan to dissuade people from believing the truth. I am certain he placed these thoughts in Camping's mind. Another event that I frown upon is the pranks some people are going to play, in some states people are going to take old clothes and liter lawns with them. Other shall make life size ballons of people and let them float up. I am appalled at the irreverance of the Day of Judgement. They make fun now, but when Christ comes, "like a thief in the night." They won't be laughing. Besides, Christ said not to rejoice in the fall of our enemies, lest he turn his wrath upon us. While Camping and his fallowers are not enemies, they are decieved and it is not just to make fun of such decieved people. I pray that these people's faith dost not become bankrupt, that they wake up on this night and seek out a new sheperd.
Here is Camping's eqaution for why today is Rapture Day.
- The number five equals "atonement", the number ten equals "completeness", and the number seventeen equals "heaven".
- Christ is said to have hung on the cross on April 1, 33 AD. The time between April 1, 33 AD and April 1, 2011 is 1,978 years.
- If 1,978 is multiplied by 365.2422 days (the number of days in a solar year, not to be confused with the lunar year), the result is 722,449.
- The time between April 1 and May 21 is 51 days.
- 51 added to 722,449 is 722,500.
- (5 × 10 × 17)2 or (atonement × completeness × heaven)2 also equals 722,500.
Well, tis 6:50 at the moment for me...still is 4:50 for thee, my world has not ended! :D
ReplyDeleteThat tis a comfort to know. He has one more hour here in Cali. :D