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The Preacher's Wife (1996)


 The Preacher's Wife is a movie about a  Reverend named Henry who during Christmas time asks The Lord for some help, and angel named Dudley, played by Denzel Washington appears to help him. The film reminds me of the Bishop's Wife, which frankly I think this is a retelling of it of sorts, but I confess that there is a great deal about the film I love. Reverend Henry really cares about his community, unlike many preachers today trying to get a six figure to ten figure bank account, he is helping the lowliest and most troubled people, including a youth who has a record, has reformed, and was seen at a robbery and gets wrongfully accused. 

Courtnay B. Vance makes the Rev. Henry a likable minister, who is suffering from minstryaholicism, he is beginning to neglect his family, his beautiful wife Julia who is played by none other than Whitney Houston, and his son who narrates the film at points in his cute child like voice. Many pastors and ministers become so involved in their parish, in their community that the neglect their families, this happened with Billy Graham, his son Franklin became a drug addict because his dad was always away on crusades. The film does a grand job of reminding us who are called to serve in the post of full time ministry that you must not neglect the needs of your spouse, in several scenes Julia (Houston) tries to show Henry she is aroused and wants to be with him in man and wife sort of way and Henry is oblivious to this, and goes on about the deficiencies and needs of the church. By the way he violated the scriptures there, "Husbands and wives should satisfy each other's sexual needs. A wife doesn't have authority over her own body, but her husband does. In the same way, a husband doesn't have authority over his own body, but his wife does. See to each others needs or else a door of sin will open." (1 Corinthians 7:4-5). Indeed, that door of sin actually has Nephilimic proportions as Dudley, the Angel starts to fall for Reverend's Wife Julia, taking her to her old singing grounds at a club, ice skating, and night gown shopping. It gets to the point that I was like.. uh this could go Genesis 6:3-11, and this angel will be fallen. 

One of a Assemblymen Joe Hamilton wants to build a new future, and offers like Satan to Rev Henry a new church, which Henry at first falls for, till he comes to his senses and decides to defy Hamilton's plan to leave the neighborhood his church is in without a church. Its a power struggle, and in one of Dudley's better scenes, he confronts Hamilton at his mansion on the Eve of Christmas, a tree and grand piano which he plays with his powers, and even makes a dead radio speak to try and convince this ruthless businessman to save Rev. Henry's Church. The man is implacable, but Dudley leaves him with some advice that isn't controlling, "listen to your heart, I know it will lead you to right decision," its interesting because in contrast Dudley will touch other's fingers and make them do something he wants, like the Grandma to stop smoking, he does not do this with Hamilton, which is intriguing. 

The finale is amazing with Whitney Houstan singing Joy to the World, her voice is so heavenly and amazing, its a tragedy what happened to her, dying of a drug overdose. In her vestments with crosses on her green robe as she sings on the Christmas Day Church Service, you get a glimpse of what she could have had in this life, she could have been an Amy Grant and found in the Lord what drugs could not satisfy. The conclusion ends merrily as all but Rev. Henry's Little Boy forgets Dudley as he promises when he gives his rules at the beginning of the movie. While I really enjoyed this film, the part that made me squeamish was Dudley an angel falling in love with Julia, and she falling for him, even indicating she loves him more at the end of the movie. Angels and humans in love is violation of God's Law, and why he Flooded the Earth (Genesis 6:1-12) so I always react to these kind of romances, even though they do not sleep together, and when Dudley changes a picture of Julia and Rev. Henry to her and he the angel, there is thunder from heaven that God is angry, and Dudley obeys and says, "Ok..sorry." At least the film recognized that was no no, but the scenes where the angel and human woman are falling for one another makes me spiritually feel ill and is the reason I cannot outright recommend the film. If you know that going in, and put your shields up spiritually, and wanna see Whitney Houston sing, and a great story about a reverend who needs to get his priorities straight.. a lesson all preachers and ministers need to see, then see it, but be warned it has the illegal angelic and human romantic subplot, that yes does not get consummated (thank God!) but it is still creepy to watch! 

I wanted to remark that Denzel Washington has recentlybeen  baptized and made a Minister. I know he has been outspoken about his faith for a long time and even did films like The Book of Eli. However, doing a film where an angel falls in love with a human, his role in Flight as cocaine obsessed pilot, and his role in Gladiator II makes me question his discernment. He has done roles that frankly are not becoming of a minister, not because of violence, but because it elevates sinful things on a very deep level. I understand actors want to do roles that show troubled souls, even prodigals, but the roles I mentioned including the one in this film in my humble opinion call into question his judgement as a Christian, and thus a Minister. I pray he does not mislead others in his ministry, because he will not be accountable to Hollywood on judgement day, but to Jesus Christ. Amen.



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