Christmas has become a noise filled holiday. I find myself quoting the Grinch, “the noise, noise, noise!” (How The Grinch Stole Christmas, 2000). And I understand people want to blow trumpets and sing loud bawdy songs. But perhaps that is why I love Silent Night, it is one of few very quit spiritual carols and how we need it!
We are being overstimulated with pings, loud protesters, and all the prattle on the news, social media, vlogs, podcasts, and etc. what we need more than ever is what Amy Grant calls “quiet holiness,” in a loud world. There is this scene in Meet Joe Black where Death says to Bill, “quiet down!” This happens before Death tells Bill great revelations, and I wonder if God is saying the same? “Quiet down!” And listen, for remember The Lord Trinity speaks in still voice, “” ($ and to be heard you must be quiet.
This Christmas I urge you to take one night and try “quiet holiness,” and allow a “silent night, holy night” so that you can be in stillness and commune with Christ and hear His voice. We spend so much money, anergy and time on noise, our worship has to be stages like a rock concert and the pastor speaks with a mike. We blast Christian music on the radio, and stream The Chosen, and keep ourselves busy. What are we afraid of? To be still, to be quiet in holiness before our God. I am not saying spend the whole holiday in quiet, of course you want “Joy to the Word!” And “Have Yourself A Merry Christmas!” I am talking about one night, or maybe just an hour or half hour on Christmas Eve, be still and quiet and see what happens. Maybe The Lord will not speak, but the stillness itself will be balm to your weary soul that is subjected to all the pressure, noise, and stress. Maybe play Silent Night in background and close your eyes as you listen to the soft spoken words. However you wish, just make some time for Quiet Holiness this Christmas. Amen.
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