The Passion Translation is one of the many newer translations of the Bible. I picked up a copy to read at a book store and read the study notes in The Masterpiece Edition (see pic above); It claimed the Seven-Fold Spirit in Revelation 1:1-4, is and I quote, “just as God is a Trinity, the Holy Spirit becomes seven, splitting into seven.” This is heresy! The Holy Spirit does not split into seven spirits! The Godhead is a Trinity of Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and The Holy Spirit! (Matthew 28:19). He does not fracture into more gods! The Seven Fold Spirit or seven spirits of God in Revelation is actually the attributes of God in the Book of Isaiah:
“The Spirit of the LORD [1] will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom [2] and of understanding [3], the Spirit of counsel [4] and of power [5], the Spirit of knowledge [6] and of the fear of the LORD [7].” (Isaiah 11:2).
I am astounded how heretical teaching is now contained in Bibles at bookstores. I find even the new translations of John 3:16 very lacking in accuracy, for it use to read, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son and whoever believes in him shall not perish but will have eternal life.”. It now reads “Should not perish” or “might not perish,” which in our vernacular are not absolutes like “shall not perish”, should is “it should happen,” but not guaranteed, and “might” is like maybe nowadays, as in “I might or might not do it.”. I mean they removed “begotten” from the same verse because the word changed from meaning to “send forth or come forth from” to “born or beget as in birth.” But they don’t make sure shall not perish is translated in modern tongue as “absolutely will not perish” or “most certainly will not perish.” Casting doubt on John 3:16 in these new Bible translations is an attack on the gospel. So I recommend you only use translations that say “shall not perish” and “will be saved,” in John 3:16. For these are the accurate words that bibles used for centuries!
We must not trust Bible translation societies. Check verses carefully, for they are altering passages. Not long ago The Virgin Mary was changed to Maid Mary, one is a certain chaste woman (Virgin) as in never knowing a man sexually, while maid isn’t always a virgin. Worse they translate Jesus is Lord (Sovereign God, Jehovah) as just Master now! That is heresy! He is not just our Master! Jesus is The Sovereign God incarnate! (John 1:1-4, John 10:33, 1 John 5:20, Titus 2:13, Colossians 2:9, 2 Peter 1:1).
I urge you to be careful. I recommend Bibles that are from 1960, 1977, 1995, 2000, and the latest 2011. The newer ones are violating The Nicene and Apostle’s Creeds, and Scripture as it has stood for ages! Beware the watering down of The Bible in our age! We must be vigilant and not let this subverting of Scripture and changing it to stand! Fight it! Amen.
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