The Ebola Virus has returned. It is sweeping across the world at swift pace. The Outbreaks began in Africa. Then the spread to The United Kingdom. Just yesterday, it was confirmed that Ebola has reached The United States of America. In Texas a person was infected by Ebola and died. Panic will invitably follow and people will be seeking means to survive a potential outbreak. I myself have been briefed via ISIF on what will happen during a Qarantine and I have some resources to share.
The first step I suggest everyone one follow is to trust in the Savior, Jesus Christ. The Lord is in control of all things and He will guide you and keep you in his Name! Do not be confounded by fear and chaos, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind in Christ Jesus (Romans 12:2). The information I am going to share is merely to help, but you will need The Helper (The Holy Spirit).
In the following paragraphs I will disclose how this Ebola Epedemic (Pandemic) is a fulfillment of Scripture and what we as saints are to do. If you are not a believer in Jesus Christ, now is the time to ask Him to be your Lord and Savior and commit your life to Him. If Ebola is to infect the U.S.A and other countries, you shall need the Lord God to endure and to ensure your soul is saved.
I would like to start with Pslam 91, which has direct relevance to the virus:
"We live within the shadow of the Almighty, sheltered by the God who is above all other gods.
This I declare, that he alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God and I am trusting him.
For he rescues you from the fatal plague.
He will shield you with his wings! They will shelter you. His faithful promises are your armor. Now you don't need to be afraid of the dark anymore, nor fear the dangers of the day; nor dread the plagues of darkness, nor disasters in the morning.
Though a thousand fall at my side, thought ten thousand are dying around me, the evil will not touch me.
I will see how the wicked are punished but I will not share it. For Jehovah is my refuge! I choose the God above all other gods to shleter me. How then can evil overtake me or any plague come near?
For he orders his angels to protect you wherver you go." (Pslam 91: 1-11).
Look to this Pslam to calm yourself in the coming wake of pestilence and plague. Remember that Jesus Christ holds the keys to death and hades (Revelation 1:18).. If it is not your time to die, then you shall not die. When you feel fear and paranoia try to take hold; try to esnare you, look to this Pslam for comfort. I will not declare that it is a promise that you will not get sick or even die; but remind yourself that you are in the hands of the Lord.
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Original Artwork from Google, Edited Artistically by Jeffrey Gassler 10/01/14 |
Next I would like to address the symptoms of Ebola and the practical.. not paranoid steps you can take to prevent contracting it.
The Symptoms and Signs:
- Fever (101.5F or Greater than 38.6C)
- Severe Headache (doesn't go away)
- Muscle Pain
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Abdominal (Stomech/Intestinal) Pain
- Unexplained Hemorraging (bleeding or bruising)
"Signs and Symptomns typically begin abruptly within five to 10 days with infection from the Ebola and Marburg Virus:
Early Signs:
- Fever
- Severe Headache
- Joint and muscle aches
- Chills
- Weakness
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Diarrhea (may be bloody)
- Red Eyes
- Raised Rash
- Chest pain and Cough
- Stomach Pain
- Bleeding, usually from the eyes, brusing (people near death may bleed from their orifices; such as ears, nose, and rectum.
- Internal Bleeding"
How do you get Ebola? You get it with touching/contact with fluids and skin that has the virus in it. You can get Ebola from animals that have it by eating them: pigs and fruit bats.
"There is no cure for Ebola Virus." (WebMD). This is not true. Firstly, Jesus Christ has the Ressurection Life Power and He can heal anyone! Secondly there is an experimental vaccine that has healed some people of Ebola.
The following preventive measures are help eliminate your chances of contracting the Ebola virus. As I said earlier, God alone can protect you from ever being infected or allow you to be infected, live, and have an immunity for a decade. So Trust the Lord God! While trusting him you can do some practical things to protect yourself form exposure and make it so you can help people who have Ebola; should even your loved ones get it.
Here are Steps:
- Boost your Immune System with Herbs and Nutrients
- Significantly Enhance your Food Supplies
- Anticipate Disruptions in everthying: Banking, emergency services, water, power and more.
For the person who wants to be fully prepared this means taking half your money and turning it into cash/pond/ruble and coin. For medical you will get more than Med Kits, you will get Advanced Kits and medicines that prevent disease. For power you will have an extra generator or two to power your house.
- Acquire Basic Medical and Isolation Gear (Hazmat)
- Have A Escape/Bug Out Plan with Fuel
- Reliable Water Source
For everyone else, get gallons of water. Even buy big buckets that hold gallons or more.
- Defense and Protection
If your house is become a safe base, you need to work out a system where one person is up at night guarding the provisions and keeping alert and rotate in shifts.
- Moving to the Country
Link to the more in depth preventive measures, please be forwarned that while the steps for prevention are legit, the tone or urgency may be a tad excessive at the moment:
Quarantine is when the Goverment with use of Military Forces cuts an entire city, town, village, and homes off from the rest of the world. Usually Martial Law is inacted as a measure to ensure the military has full authority. People in the city under quarantine will be isolated to the insides of their homes and barries will be erected around the city. Communication will be cut. You will not be able to use phone, text, email, facebook, and etc. The reason is so that you do not contact people and seek intervention to get you out of the infected area.
Because of this, at ICISF Conference, I learned that we as Christians will need to be cleaver in how we commune together. We will likely not be able to meet in person and the technology will not work. Hand written letters may work, if the military vets them. This will be a great trial for us, for we will be cut off in almost every way, except through prayer. We can continue to pray for each other and perhaps find a means to communicate via CB radios or get premission to visit each other in the infected areas. This is something the Church needs to prepare for should Qarantine happen.
It is important as Christians that we do not despair. A brother in the Lord just told me of an incident in Atlanta where two Christains were carrying Ebola and they survived. They were given the experimental vaccine for Ebola and recoverd. So there is hope both Spiritually and Scientifically. But chiefly we must look to our Lord Jesus Christ and not panic. We must "prepare, but not become paranoid." Do what we can without incuring terrible debt or destroying our lifestyle and trust the Lord with the rest. For missionaries it is important not to heed fear. Many are going into countries that have tropical and severe diseases. Do not let this Ebola Epedemic hinder your mission or make you doubt God's commision for you life. St. Paul was bitten by a Black Mamba and lived. ()/ Jesus said that we, "shall lay hands on the sick and they will be healed." (Mark 16:18). Above medical innovations and preventive measures must be trust in God. It is He that orders are days and He said, "do not worry about tomorrow, for today has enough troubles of its own." (Matthew 6:34)
Too often we become overwhelmed by the knowledge of viruses and diseases. But we can take comfort in Pslam 91, the Gospels, and the Presence of the Holy Spirit. I cannot end this blog post without mentioning how Ebola and other great plagues are a fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy. I refer to the Book of Revelation or The Apocalypse of John for the following verses:
"And when the fourth seal was broken, I heard the fourth living being say, "come!" And now I saw a pale horse and its rider was Death. And there followed after him another horse and his rider was Hell. They were given control of one-fourth (1/4) of the Earth, to kill with war, and famine, and disease, and wild animals." (Revelation 6:7-9).
Some believers interpret this as mere allegory. While Death may indeed be personified here, how do you reinterpret the earth suffering death by war, famine, disease, and wild animals? There is no other explanation but the literal interpretation. Ebola could possibly just be one of these, part of the disease grouping. But this is not the only reference, it continue in Revelation 9:
"The sixth angel blew his trumpet and i heard a voice speaking from the four horns of the golden altar that stands before the throne of God, saying to the sixth angel, "Release the four mighty demons held bound at the great Euphrates River."
They have been kept in readiness for that year and month and day and hour, and now they were turned loose to kill a third of all mankind. They led an army of 200.000,000 warriors, I head the announcement of how many there were.
I saw their horses spread out before me in my visions; their riders wore firery red breastplates, though some were sky blue and others yellow. The horses' heads looked like lions, and smoke, and fire and flammng sulphur billowed from their mouths, killing one third of all mankind.
Their power of death was not only in their mouths, but in thait tails as well, for their tails were similiar to serpent's heads that struck and bit with fatal wounds. But the men left alive after these plagues still refused to worship God!"
-(Revelation 9:13-20)
From the discriptions we can interpret that the lion headed horses is John's description from 50-60 A.D. areof tanks and other weapons in modern times. The Prophet Daniel saw the future and he described tanks as lions and elphants shooting fire balls, airplanes as silver eagles shooting fire balls, and nukes as massive palm trees of smoke.
If you tally up the 1/4 and 1/3 of mankind perishing from these plagues, wars, and famines we get to an estimate of about only a qarter or 3/4 left of the human race still alive! If we are to take each mentioning of 1/3 of mankind being killed and add each of them together we get the following figure:
1/4 Dead
1/3 Dead
1/3 Dead
Only 2/3rds or 3/4's of humanity left on earth. If our numbers of 7 Billion that would be roughtly 3 Billion remaing. That is a conservative estimate and if taken more accuratling would probably be figure of a remaining 1 Billion people left! Please note I am not a mathamatican so my analysis is crude, but the point is that losses will be major.
Ebola and other viruses are part of the End of Days. It is possible one of the seals might have been broken already or one of the Trumpets blown and thus we shall see a radical loss of life in our life time. What we should do is pray and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not be paranoid or possesed to sell all your belongings. Wait on the Lord and be wise! "Be wise as serpents and gentle as doves." (Matthew 10:16). Do not be rash or hasty, but do what you can and trust the rest to the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not despair, but hold on to your faith. Remember that Christ holds the keys to death and hades (Revelation 1:18). He will not let you die if it is not His Will; and if it be His Will for you to die: you shall merely leave this life of suffering and be in painless paradise with Him!
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Original Artwork from Google, Edited Artistically by Jeffrey Gassler 10/01/14 |
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